
Forrest Gump. Forrest Gump. Forrest Gump. Manipulative schlock. Ugh. I think I was the only person in the theater where I saw it that didn't walk out poisoned by the film's schmaltzy Kool-Aid.

I prefer Match Game, where the host doesn't yell out every single word in a desperate attempt to seem engaged and interesting. Bless Chris Hardwick for trying to mainstream the cool genre stuff we "nerds" have enjoyed for years, but he's an oppressive, one-note chore. And I think I might be very very alone in my

You forgot Freddie Mercury's glorious mic-stand-versus-sword battle with Christopher Lambert in the video for "Princes Of The Universe".

Thank you for this article! I hope it encourages people to reach out and help Mantlo. His comics were a HUGE part of my growing up, and even though I've donated to him before, I'll be doing so again.

Depending on where you live, you might have a great comic store near you, that would either buy your collection outright or sell some of the marquee pieces on consignment, but the truth is the back-issue market is very fallow these days. eBay seems to be the best marketplace these days, especially if you're willing to

As a recovering "originals junkie" like yourself, I implore you to try to shift your thinking to getting trades instead. One of the joys of my life now is being able to pull an Essential volume off the shelf instead of digging through longboxes and struggling with taped mylar bags. One day it clicked for me that the

I've finally had a chance to make it through this album twice now, and I'm floored by the C+ rating. It's a solid B, at least to my ears. Perhaps the reviewer is hoping for another one of those transcendent collections of songs that come along usually in a band's earlier years? I dunno, I'm just glad I'm not too jaded

I saw this with my dad the weekend it came out, and we both loved it. I remember being blown away by the ticker tape-style Braille keyboard for Straithairn. It looked so high-tech, and yet it made perfect sense.

Did anyone else catch the dead bunnies in the log in the foreground when Darryl was tracking Tyreese and the kids? And then when we cut back to their story, Lizzy saw the bunnies huddling in the log she was sitting in, and pulled out her knife, and did some off-camera sawing moves? I think it's safe to say she's the

I suffered my first (and possibly) biggest celebrity loss when Freddie Mercury died. That absolutely floored me. I wandered through my life for a couple of weeks in a fog. I was 25 and unprepared for something like that. And so when the remaining members of Queen go, it will hurt big-time. But Freddie was probably the

The sad thing is that Zora, the "winner", seemed to be a really nice young woman. And in my mind, she was a million times hotter than all the styro-nymphs she was competing against.

It's his SZIRTIETH beeyurthuday.

It's his SZIRTIETH beeyurthuday.

Dinnah at ee-leven f-AW-rty-fi-EEve…

If you're using the app while on the road and don't want to lose your wireless signal, make sure you keep your eyes peeled for the cellular towers that look like Fake Plastic Trees.

As a real fan, I have to say: Cool! Awesome! Groundbreaking! Now put the laptops down, and pick up the goddamn guitars.

This is one of those isolated, unexpected, insane things that highlights my true sense of humor. I remember seeing this for the first time in college, and I was floored. That double-take the aliens do is priceless.

When I was a kid, during summers my brother and I would spend a night a week at my grandparents' house. For some reason my grandmother let me watch an episode of "Night Stalker", the one where the cult is trying to bring the mummy back to life in the stadium. To this day, I can see that image and it makes all the hair

AARRGH! I know in a case like this, where the actor has such a storied career, you can spend only so much time on each role, but… I was DYING to know more about his time working on "Speed Racer". He was an obvious choice for Pops Racer based on his physical appearance, but he brought so much *heart* to the role. "Spee

My wife and I were actually sort of tangentially talking about this the other night. We used to be nuts, nuts, NUTS about "Scrubs". Watched it religiously, quoted from it, even went to see "Garden State" because of Zach Braff. But then the show ended, it started showing up in syndication… and we can't bring ourselves