
^ This. How on earth are they going to keep it faithful to the comic if they can't wallow in the cursing? And don't get me started on Tulip, whose perfectly-delineated breasts will need to be seen unfettered as often as possible.

Letterman used to be a GOD to me and my friends in college. But since the shift to CBS, he's been phoning it in.

I have come to love the show, but Liz & Liz is what sucked me in initially. I watched that trainwreck of a wedding last season over and over and over. And since I know a lot of female publicists, it's even funnier.

I had a long-term girlfriend who hated "The Simpsons" because she believed that the creators glamorized stupidity (specifically Homer), and as she was in grad school to become a teacher, she was horrified that people wouldn't want to be smart. We went round and round and ROUND about this. She couldn't see the humor,

Am I the only one who LOVES the weird little sound effects that they sprinkle throughout the sketches? All those "bwinks" and "boings" during Armond's chat with the police were hysterical. And last season, when Liz and Liz were fighting, and (Pretty) Liz got so upset her iced coffee's lid popped off with an unexpected

Hush. She's drop dead beautiful.

This. Hanging with Rodney in "Caddyshack" would have been awesome. I would LOVE to dance to "Any Way You Want It" on the fairway, or be part of the horde at the end of the movie who are "all gonna get laid".

I have not been able to confirm this, but I *think* he had a cameo in "Captain America: The First Avenger". After Chris Evans comes out of the vita-ray chamber all pumped up, and everyone is surrounding him, the camera pushes through a group of scientists until it lands on Kruger, the Hydra bomber, standing on the

This was the film where "Kubrick the filmmaker" really began to coalesce, leading to the triumph that is "Paths Of Glory". And then from there, he was off to the races. Kubrick is one of my favorite movie guys ever. A really focused genius and visionary.

Another so-so episode, BUT! the whale gag made me laugh until I couldn't breathe. It's as classic as the "throwing the frog out the window" or "Mary Poppins-Peter sweeping the dead kids under the bed" routines. They go on and on and on and on until they become hilarious.

Yes, me, in a heartbeat. For all its faults, the big point of Dante's crisis in "Clerks II" really hit home with me. Do you have to run away from the things that have made you happy in the past? Does everything have to get bigger and faster? What if your "happy place" is a simple thing, like the Quik Stop? I was going

I'm shoulder to shoulder with you. Cap 2 should've been in the top 10.

Josh, several years ago I digitized my 1500+ CD collection, and never looked back. Since 2005, I think I've purchased 3 physical CDs. It was tough, but after the first few all-digital purchases I made, that I threw on my iPod/iPhone and then toted from the house to the car to work and back, it became pretty clear (to

Sweet! Thank you for the link.

Wait, I missed it… What's the recurring Paul Rudd joke?

You left out Gipsy Danger clubbing a kaiju with an oil tanker in "Pacific Rim". Or the spectacular mid-air "barrel of monkeys" set piece from "Iron Man 3".

I second the immense love and respect for Scott Adsit on "30 Rock". He was consistently hilarious as the put-upon, desperate Pete. He had some classic, gut-busting moments: waking up in all his auto-erotic asphyxiation gear, his faked death and disappearance to North Carolina, his devilish cut-away to having sex with

I would make everyone sit down in an acoustically perfect room, give them a delicious glass of red wine, and have them listen to My Bloody Valentine's "m b v" from beginning to end.

Intolerable Cruelty was a great, underrated movie. George Clooney was channeling some sort of straight-laced weirdo vibe that really worked for me.

Um, Mike, can you, like, actually kill yourself with laxative pills?