
No mention of Mac's out-of-nowhere bursts of rage? Both of his explosions had me rolling on the floor.

The mid-to-late-90s R&B/hip hop scene is mostly a black hole to me. I can say with almost 100% certainty that I've never heard this song. But then, that 1998 year-end hottest bands list at the beginning of the article is chock-a-block with acts from which I couldn't name one song.

Let's see, over the last three days I:

Nick, you are being waaaay too kind in your review of this movie, and this is coming from a long-time Carpenter worshiper. The cinematography is flat, the sets are TV movie quality, the pacing is dreadful, and Ice Cube is just awful. Yes, there are a couple of "neat!" moments here and there, but this one is a big

We're going to have to agree to disagree here. I found this arc to be bloated, boring, and obviously paced for trade paperback publication.

Oh my God, that "3 holes" argument had me rolling on the floor. The dedication that Tiny Lister put into his disbelief was fantastic.

My favorite part was Chet's weird Li'l Stinker face when Chief admitted to being his imaginary friend. But then anything Chet does is my favorite part.

I was 16/17 in 1983, so a lot of those pop culture moments are still vividly accessible in my head. But two I would LOVE to go back to - to recapture that sense of youthful, first-time wonder - are the opening day of "Return Of The Jedi", and the MTV World Premiere Video presentation (remember when a video premiering

I don't know why, but this particular clip makes me laugh out loud every time.

Hey, hey, hey… "Psycho II" is a pretty good little movie, all things considered.

I was laughter-stricken the first time I saw this episode, and got to the part where Chapman screams "I! DON'T! LIKE! SPAM!" at 200 decibels. Once I got to college and met other Python fans, this was probably the one line I would repeat over and over. And I would try to hit that register, but it was impossible.

"Why don't you interface with my ass… by biting it!"

My wife and I constantly mock the initiation ceremony. In high-falutin' English voices, we cry out, "Who knocks on these DOORS?"

THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for featuring this film. I saw it twice in the theater when it came out. It's a delightful romp.

Great review, but one quibble: Amy Pond was not adorable. She (and Rory) were a grating blight on the 50 year history of "Dr. Who". And now Gillan is going to taint both "NTSF" and "Guardians Of The Galaxy" with her adorableness. Sigh.

Let's see, this weekend I:

Mr. Cool.

So far, for me, nothing in 2013 has topped "m b v" by My Bloody Valentine. I've listened to it dozens of times.

I know I'm coming to this discussion incredibly late, but I have to disagree with George Takei not being given much to do… His line and delivery - "I'm mentally ill." - slayed me. I must have giggled about that joke for hours. The close-up of his face, the fact that it really makes you think about how insane the old

I'm a late addition to the ranks of REM fans. But although I've come to appreciate a lot of their catalog, "Everybody Hurts" and "Losing My Religion" and "The One I Love" grate on me like nails on a chalkboard. Needlessly morose, whiny, overly plaintive… Ugh. "Murmur" and "Reckoning" are my two faves, but once they