
You don't like "Sleeper"? "Bananas"? (My two faves.) "Take The Money And Run"? "What's Up, Tiger Lily?"? (Oh, another fave.) Even his bit in "Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex"?

Let's see, this weekend I:

What's really sad is that this movie will probably beat "Pacific Rim" at the box office this weekend. Sigh.

Seven Samurai. Brazil. Godzilla. Yojimbo/Sanjuro.

How topical! I was just listening to "Birthday Cake" in the car whilst driving to work this morning!

FINALLY, someone agrees with me that Clooney was the only good thing about "Batman & Robin". Given the right story, he could have owned the role. Like how Timothy Dalton was an excellent James Bond, trapped in one mediocre and one awful movie.

Jeez, all these comments singling out favorite moments from "Basketball", and no one has mentioned three choice bits:

I would pass down "Bohemian Rhapsody", because it is the greatest song ever written and shows the upper limits of mankind's artistic potential.

Nah, I kind of have to agree with this one. I finished my first listen yesterday, and it's too… laconic, if that's the word. While the songs are still immaculately crafted, some of the air seems to have been let out of the band.

I think that my first pop culture "stirrings in my nether regions" came from the multi-tasking late-70s-coiffed MILF from the Enjoli perfume commercials. I distinctly remember getting the pubescent boy version of the vapors the first time I watched her hug herself tightly as she purred "…and never, never, never let

As good - no, GREAT - as this album is, one of the reasons why it has lodged itself into my top tier of favorites is because it came out at such a wonderful vibrant time of my life. I was dating someone who opened my eyes to a bigger world, and this album was a big chunk of my personal soundtrack for that year. I'm

Holy frigging snot… that song is EXCELLENT. In my mind it's 1995 all over again and I've just moved to California and I'm hitting shows in San Francisco. Wow. Can't wait for the full album.

I think I would have to say it's "Godzilla Vs. King Kong". I remember seeing it, and crying like a baby at the end, because there is NO WAY IN HELL that stupid plate-lipped Botoxed monkey could defeat the King Of The Fucking Monsters. For one thing, Kong is at most 80 feet tall, while Godzilla is over 200 feet tall!

I would have to say that I've loved "On Beyond Zebra" by Dr. Seuss the longest. I remember checking it out of the library over and over (my parents didn't spend money on things you could get elsewhere for free), poring over the illustrations. And the new letters he created! Man, I may have to go order it from Amazon

THANK YOU for praising this movie. One of my absolute favorites. I was mesmerized when I saw it in the theater, and couldn't wait to go back to experience it again. You can feel the weight of Willis' regrets throughout the entire film.

There are two that instantly come to mind:

I discovered "Loveless" by My Bloody Valentine in early 1992, and I have listened to it at least once every month since then. It is my favorite album of all time, even though my favorite band is Queen.

As a born and raised Southerner, I would like to point out that you got the implied diction of your imaginary racist wrong. It should read:

It was actually proved by a research group at MIT, who used Kresky's innovative subjective decision testing analysis as a foundation for their own cognitive assessment theories. Test subjects were put through a rigorous series of listening sessions, and in an overwhelming 76% of all participants, even those not in the

No Velocity Girl, the greatest and best band they ever signed. Damn. I'd give my right arm to see them live. I had to miss their final show in the Bay Area because I was debugging code that night.