
Hey, do NOT feel guilty. I have "Two Princes", "Little Miss Can't Be Wrong", and "Pocket Full Of Kryptonite" in my 90s mix and I listen to them all the time. Great, catchy songs. What makes people hate them is that they were supposed to be sort of grungy and alternative, but their songs were pure pop.

EDIT BY AUTHOR: Wrong forum. Damn this cough syrup.

I have loved this movie with all my heart since I walked out of the theater I saw it in during its opening weekend. The new Blu-Ray is spectacular, especially the original ending included as a bonus, NOW IN GLORIOUS FULL COLOR. Run get a copy now.

As probably the biggest Queen fan reading this column today, may I be the first to say that Freddie Mercury's "Mr. Bad Guy" is one of the most boring, stilted things I ever spent my hard-earned money on. "Barcelona", his pop/rock/opera album with Spanish diva Montserrat Caballe, while a great experiment and an

So it looks like Daryl Hall put out a solo album, because he wanted to
(puts on sunglasses)
Sow some oats.

You gave away your cats because of a woman. Wow.

To go back to "Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures" for a moment… Has anyone here seen the episode with Elwy and the Tree Weasels? It made me laugh so hard that I couldn't finish my breakfast. The insanity of the Tree Weasels' owner/manager was so unsettling that it hypnotized me. And their theme song… so damn catchy!

I'm a huge fan of Beck, but… this entire album has always left me cold. I have tried and tried to get into it, but it just never clicks for me.

Wow. I'd forgotten how hot the Deal sisters were.

I can't believe the article didn't mention the worst part of the commercial: the Genie herself. That bored expression, the exaggerated body language trying to sell "sexy"… She's atrocious.

We are actually all of normal intelligence, men and women who have families, enjoy successful careers, and don't troll the Internet with a screen name based on a videogame echidna developed for 11 year olds.

Okay, this is where I strip off my shirt, put up my dukes, and challenge every single hater to a donnybrook. "Hudson Hawk" is one of my favorite films EVER, mainly due to every single detail described above. It's drop-dead funny, it's got more unique villains than a Bond movie, and it's provided an endless raft of

You know, for years, I've been tacking the three non-"To Here Knows When" tracks from the "Tremolo" EP onto the end of "Loveless" in my playlists. There was something about the way that "Moon Song" faded out that seemed like the perfect farewell from MBV, especially when listening late at night or on a long drive.

The rhetorical question was asked:

She's a fantastic musician, but at the risk of being a reductive sexist, can I state that she's one of the most beautiful women in music today? I just think she's stunning. I can't stop looking at the picture at the top of the article.

How on EARTH could any of you not instantly reference "We Will Rock You" and "We Are The Champions" from Queen's "News Of The World"? Shame on all of you. The greatest 2-song album opener in history.

You just made me laugh out loud. Thank you.

Thanks to being introduced to MBV by my friend Mark back in 1992, "Loveless" soon (get it?) became my favorite album of all time, a place it still holds to this day. So I am one of those people who have literally been waiting 22 years for this record. And I am one happy camper. I listened to it twice, and it's now in

Will Harris, you made an aging power pop fanatic tear up. THANK YOU from the bottom of my little three-chord-worshipping heart for cluing the masses in on two of the most perfect albums of the 90s… if not EVER. I know a lot of people really dig "Bellybutton", but the opening four-song salvo of "Spilt Milk" is one of

Will Harris, you made an aging power pop fanatic tear up. THANK YOU from the bottom of my little three-chord-worshipping heart for cluing the masses in on two of the most perfect albums of the 90s… if not EVER. I know a lot of people really dig "Bellybutton", but the opening four-song salvo of "Spilt Milk" is one of