
@avclub-c6447300d99fdbf4f3f7966295b8b5be:disqus , you're a man after my own heart. When I got the final LotR movie on DVD in 2004, my wife and I spent a leftover-induced coma on the couch and watched all three extended editions back-to-back. From that point onward, it became an annual tradition. But over the last

@avclub-c6447300d99fdbf4f3f7966295b8b5be:disqus , you're a man after my own heart. When I got the final LotR movie on DVD in 2004, my wife and I spent a leftover-induced coma on the couch and watched all three extended editions back-to-back. From that point onward, it became an annual tradition. But over the last

Good Lord in Heaven, but I miss James' guitar in the Smashing Pumpkins sound. I know everyone loved Billy, possibly even D'Arcy, but James to me was the force behind what made the Pumpkins click for me. His short, sharp, stabbing solo on "Ava Adore" is perfection.

Good Lord in Heaven, but I miss James' guitar in the Smashing Pumpkins sound. I know everyone loved Billy, possibly even D'Arcy, but James to me was the force behind what made the Pumpkins click for me. His short, sharp, stabbing solo on "Ava Adore" is perfection.

True confession time: "Ice Pirates" was the movie I saw on my very first real date. (It was also the first time I took the family car out on my own.) I remember sitting next to Beth M. in the Martin Twin theater, becoming more and more uncomfortable with all the sexual innuendoes being flung about, and then trying to

True confession time: "Ice Pirates" was the movie I saw on my very first real date. (It was also the first time I took the family car out on my own.) I remember sitting next to Beth M. in the Martin Twin theater, becoming more and more uncomfortable with all the sexual innuendoes being flung about, and then trying to

Oh, Kevin… are you for reelz this time? "Loveless" is my favorite album of all time ever and ever, but as much as I want "Loveless 2" rattling around in my ear-holes, I know there's no way any new material could ever match the majesty of your opus. Still, just having new MBV in any form would hopefully be worth the

Oh, Kevin… are you for reelz this time? "Loveless" is my favorite album of all time ever and ever, but as much as I want "Loveless 2" rattling around in my ear-holes, I know there's no way any new material could ever match the majesty of your opus. Still, just having new MBV in any form would hopefully be worth the

I had so many plans for pop culture greatness this weekend, but my entire 48 hour respite from the work week was hijacked by my wife and her job. Sigh. So all I got to was:

I had so many plans for pop culture greatness this weekend, but my entire 48 hour respite from the work week was hijacked by my wife and her job. Sigh. So all I got to was:

I know I shouldn't feel the knee-jerk need to defend "Independence Day", but… Sigh. Okay, here goes:

I know I shouldn't feel the knee-jerk need to defend "Independence Day", but… Sigh. Okay, here goes:

"Big Bam Boom" is the tits. "American Girl" is my fave off the album and should have been a big hit.

"Big Bam Boom" is the tits. "American Girl" is my fave off the album and should have been a big hit.

Let's see, my pop culture antics this weekend included:

Let's see, my pop culture antics this weekend included:

This is one of my favorite movies ever. The newly-restored original ending is jaw-dropping. I was lucky enough to have had one of the original 1998 DVDs with the black-and-white version on it, but seeing it now, finished, restored, in color, is just fantastic.

This is one of my favorite movies ever. The newly-restored original ending is jaw-dropping. I was lucky enough to have had one of the original 1998 DVDs with the black-and-white version on it, but seeing it now, finished, restored, in color, is just fantastic.

"Modern Problems" for the win. I saw that with my dad and brother when it came out.

"Modern Problems" for the win. I saw that with my dad and brother when it came out.