
Let's see, this weekend's pop culture antics included:

Let's see, this weekend's pop culture antics included:

If this kind of humor isn't to your liking, then perhaps you should sikh out another forum.

If this kind of humor isn't to your liking, then perhaps you should sikh out another forum.

"Damn John Worfin and the horse he rode in on!"

"Damn John Worfin and the horse he rode in on!"

Steven, you were 11 and "Batman" blew your mind. I was 23, fresh out of college, and it blew MY mind as well. In fact, back in the February before it came out, my roommate came back to the dorm and told me he'd just come from seeing "Talk Radio", and before the movie there was a trailer for "that Bat-movie thing" I

Steven, you were 11 and "Batman" blew your mind. I was 23, fresh out of college, and it blew MY mind as well. In fact, back in the February before it came out, my roommate came back to the dorm and told me he'd just come from seeing "Talk Radio", and before the movie there was a trailer for "that Bat-movie thing" I

Let's see, this weekend, my pop culture antics consisted of:

Let's see, this weekend, my pop culture antics consisted of:

My friend and I love this show, but instead of singling out a favorite episode, we have a favorite moment/scene that always makes us start giggling: the end of the episode where Chris stalks the scientist, when he's getting run over and over and over and over… Just thinking about it now makes me laugh.

My friend and I love this show, but instead of singling out a favorite episode, we have a favorite moment/scene that always makes us start giggling: the end of the episode where Chris stalks the scientist, when he's getting run over and over and over and over… Just thinking about it now makes me laugh.

I haven't had time to read through all the comments below, but from what I've sampled, I guess I must be the only reader who is ecstatically happy that the Ponds are now gone from the show. They have been my least favorite companions ever.

I haven't had time to read through all the comments below, but from what I've sampled, I guess I must be the only reader who is ecstatically happy that the Ponds are now gone from the show. They have been my least favorite companions ever.

Wait… You're lumping the B-movie brilliance of "Lake Placid" with the dreck of "Anaconda"?!?!? Different strokes, I suppose, but "Lake Placid" is a hoot from beginning to end. As good as "Jaws"? Of course not. But perfect nonetheless.

Wait… You're lumping the B-movie brilliance of "Lake Placid" with the dreck of "Anaconda"?!?!? Different strokes, I suppose, but "Lake Placid" is a hoot from beginning to end. As good as "Jaws"? Of course not. But perfect nonetheless.

Let's see: I reread my comics haul from this past Wednesday, I finally saw The Dark Knight Rises (had to wait because of the wife - loved it!), watched Louie and Childrens Hospital, and that's about it.

Let's see: I reread my comics haul from this past Wednesday, I finally saw The Dark Knight Rises (had to wait because of the wife - loved it!), watched Louie and Childrens Hospital, and that's about it.

I'm not a moron, I'm a fully-formed man of impeccable diction and elán who approaches his passions with a zestful attitude that offends most bystanders. And I loves me some Munchos.

I'm not a moron, I'm a fully-formed man of impeccable diction and elán who approaches his passions with a zestful attitude that offends most bystanders. And I loves me some Munchos.