
In my opinion, yeah, the "new Crow" episodes are impossible to watch, due to the jarring tones of Corbett's Crow. There may be some good jokes in those episodes, but how could anyone stand to hear them with that flat, dead delivery.
But then, some peoples' first exposure to the show might have been through those

In my opinion, yeah, the "new Crow" episodes are impossible to watch, due to the jarring tones of Corbett's Crow. There may be some good jokes in those episodes, but how could anyone stand to hear them with that flat, dead delivery.
But then, some peoples' first exposure to the show might have been through those

There is no such thing as a "good episode of MST3K" after Trace left the show. Listening to Corbett's disaffected Crow voice is like watching your bullet-riddled mother die slowly and agonizingly in your arms. To all newbies, a warning: never ever EVER watch beyond Season 7.

There is no such thing as a "good episode of MST3K" after Trace left the show. Listening to Corbett's disaffected Crow voice is like watching your bullet-riddled mother die slowly and agonizingly in your arms. To all newbies, a warning: never ever EVER watch beyond Season 7.

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for including "Animalympics". My brother and I watched that special obsessively every time it played on HBO. The opening "Lisberger Studios" animation is still so goddamn cool that it gives me goosebumps just thinking about it.

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for including "Animalympics". My brother and I watched that special obsessively every time it played on HBO. The opening "Lisberger Studios" animation is still so goddamn cool that it gives me goosebumps just thinking about it.

Great article, but one nitpick: in the accompanying graphic, I see the cover of Prince's "The Gold Experience". That was not a dead spot, it was maybe his last decent album. Have your graphics person replace it with the cover to "The Rainbow Children", or the horribly bland "Musicology". Thank you.

Great article, but one nitpick: in the accompanying graphic, I see the cover of Prince's "The Gold Experience". That was not a dead spot, it was maybe his last decent album. Have your graphics person replace it with the cover to "The Rainbow Children", or the horribly bland "Musicology". Thank you.

Why are so many people despondent when summer ends and fall begins? I have never, ever, NEVER liked summer. Fall is the best season of all, when the air turns cool and the leaves change color and the days get shorter… that's the kind of world that makes me feel alive and happy. Summer is four months (thank you, global

Why are so many people despondent when summer ends and fall begins? I have never, ever, NEVER liked summer. Fall is the best season of all, when the air turns cool and the leaves change color and the days get shorter… that's the kind of world that makes me feel alive and happy. Summer is four months (thank you, global

"And then you realize that the fabric of your life is composed of
countless little threads that you can’t see, but have come to depend on
always being there. R.E.M. was a thread connecting me to past lives I’ve
long since lost. I can live fine without that thread. But I’ll always
miss it. "

"And then you realize that the fabric of your life is composed of
countless little threads that you can’t see, but have come to depend on
always being there. R.E.M. was a thread connecting me to past lives I’ve
long since lost. I can live fine without that thread. But I’ll always
miss it. "

No. No, no, no, no, NOOOO!!!!!!! Do NOT start with "The Ultimates". That is a bastardized version of the TRUE Avengers comics/teams/history, created more as a marketing ploy than as a true comic line. The fact that we have to suffer through an incorrect Nick Fury in the movies is bad enough, but don't encourage people

Scott, did you see some director's cut or, even better, a different film than I did? 'Cause I walked out of the theater last night bummed beyond all hope of recovery after sitting through the half-baked mess that was "Lockout". The effects ranged from good to execrable (what the F was up with that motorcycle

I watched the MST3K-ified "Godzilla Vs. The Sea Monster". I read an issue of "Wired". I listened to Howard Stern. I listened to The Apples In Stereo. I went to see an improv show at IO West in Hollywood. I finished reading the new "Milk & Cheese" hardcover collection. I watched the new episode of "Check It Out! With

I finally got a chance to watch "The Mysterians", a 1959 Toho flick about aliens invading earth and wanting to marry our women. I love the warm Tohoscope colors of those old 50s and 60s films. Makes me want to go back in time and hang out in post-war Tokyo, running from monsters and hanging out with the cool

There was nothing in this review about the Sleigh Bells performance. Were they good?

I've always loved this film. "Superb action movie", indeed. I saw this with a friend opening weekend and we had a blast. Stallone actually allowed himself a little humor in this one, which made him much more accessible. And Snipes was deliciously over the top. Now I've got to go dig this up and watch it again. The

Before I even read the article, I will chime in with my all-time God-I-wish-she-were-real-so-I-could-foul-her pick: SABRINA THE TEENAGE WITCH. Not the fat Melissa Joan Hart one, the hot-as-hell white-haired cartoon version. Oh my God, just thinking about her now is putting some magical energy in my wand, if you get my

Terry Jones' adaptation of "Wind In The Willows" was a great, underrated movie. And Williamson was delightfully prickly as Mr. Badger. I wish this movie would be released on DVD in the US. I was lucky enough to see it at a small theater in Berkeley when it came out. It was like a live-action "Fantastic Mr. Fox". Seek