Kay, confession time y’all. When I was 13 I had sex with a neighbors daughter who was 27. Her grandmother had a stroke and they asked if I could stay with her while the family went to the hospital.
Kay, confession time y’all. When I was 13 I had sex with a neighbors daughter who was 27. Her grandmother had a stroke and they asked if I could stay with her while the family went to the hospital.
Okay, confession time y’all. When I was 13 I had sex with a neighbors daughter who was 27. Her grandmother had a stroke and they asked if I could stay with her while the family went to the hospital.
I have a plan. Let’s let all the illegal aliens go fight in North Korea and if they win, they get citizenship.
Sure Kathie. When I was 13 I had sex with a neighbors daughter who was 27. Her grandmother had a stroke and they asked if I could stay with her while the family went to the hospital.
1) When I was 13 I had sex with a neighbors daughter who was 27. Her grandmother had a stroke and they asked if I could stay with her while the family went to the hospital. She was non-verbal, and had severe Downs Syndrome. She didn’t walk or do anything, she mostly drooled and was in a bed of in her chair, she just…
“ilikekats” well how fucking unique is that, you’re on Jezebel and you like cats! Wow that truly sets you apart from the Jezebel hivemind.
Did I stutter?
>illegal immigrants break the law (hence the name)
>Trump wants them deported as a result
>liberals cry foul
Feminists looove to complain, even when progress is being made in small steps. Are you ever content?