Donatello, Ninja Turtle Attorney

I can’t believe I’m using this gif for a second time in only a half hour but Lil’ Kim...?

A lot of what’s referred to as “PC” nowadays is just people not being retrograde sociopaths.

Once they buy the rights they expect to make a bazillion bucks since there are millions of fans. If the movie bombs in the cinemas and then, the dvd and blurays aren’t selling they don’t invest in anything since the tons of fans aren’t warranty they will make a ton of money. Scarlett Johansson’s box office average is

I like Scarlet Johansson and I defintely believe she can play the part but I’d have preferred a Japanese actress playing the protagonist. But I guess they don’t want to risk attracting just the anime fans so they go with big name recognition.

She had the resources to turn down jobs that weren’t “fun.” Most of us don’t have that luxury.

“I want to stress one thing: these guys aren’t motorcyclists, they’re assholes on motorcycles. And there’s absolutely a difference.”

Everyone on either side of the Hillary/Bernie divide needs to have all the fucking seats and shut the hell up already. I might not survive until November.

JFC. Democrats are being handed this election to them on a silver fucking platter, and they want to set it on fire. Support your candidate, don’t denigrate the other, and whoever wins the nod, vote -D. It’s really not that fucking hard.

It’s a better idea to list real pros and cons of both candidates then the bs you posted. But then, you aren’t looking for dialog, just pushing opinion.

oh look someone made a visual representation of every soon to be comment thread here

I had never played/was barely aware of the Persona series before I picked up P4G last summer for my Vita. It single handedly made purchasing the Vita worth it, and I don’t remember the last time I was so invested in the characters of a series.

The one thing I really loved about the Force Awakens was that everyone felt so human. They reacted to things like normal people would. They hugged, they got annoyed with each other (my favorite moment is when Rey is trying to get Finn to get the right tool for her), they got nervous, they did stupid little quirky

I’m probably being a huge asshole but I have trouble understanding how the non-custodial parents not paying child support are the victims here.

LPT: Don’t base your entire online persona around a slang word for feces.

You could always just put your smaller Ant-Man in the microwave. Won’t grow, but will give you something else to worry about.

This will be a tough challenge, citizen. On one robotic hand, people watched her streams because of the sex appeal she has, the main selling point of watching her streams, much like people enjoyed watching me get blown to pieces by small arms fire.

Oh the scarfs. During the beta I found a shemagh in the dark zone. A mother-f-ing shemagh! You know how fly I’d look in chaotic Mid Town with a shemagh?! Of course you do. So I grabbed some other loot and went to call in a chopper to get this sweet ass scarf decontaminated so I could got get my tier-1 on. I spent a

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