How does this compare to the current deals with the Amazon Visa?
How does this compare to the current deals with the Amazon Visa?
I appreciate the advice, but this just doesn’t work. My brain says, “Yeah you try not to think about it. Good luck with that.”
We don’t know how many games will be available, or how often they’ll be added (or taken away).
I’d really been hoping for 4 player co-op, but 2 and co op through the whole game is a nice first step.
heh. burn, motherfucker.
This just breaks my heart.
Man, that is some intro though. Good emotional tugging right there at the beginning, well done.
Starred for “blast their shorts.”
Wait, THAT’S Kelly Clarkson? She looks like she... (cough), nevermind.
This is my favorite thing of the day. I laughed out loud, for real, and then posted this everywhere I could think of. Thank you.
I could just copy and paste the same comment every day.
At 5 pm. because he refuses to work more than 9-5.
Gorsuch, like everyone in Trump’s administration, and like everyone in the GOP at large, can be counted on to do only one thing - to use their power to harm and kill as many poor and helpless people as they can.
This weird caricature of “old-timiness” calls his fucking wife “Mother.”
I wonder if his family will sue the Massachusetts DOC for negligent supervision. They could try to claim that they should have been watching him.
Oh, no no no. 19 years old means he does not just have an unfortunate name. Someone did that to him on purpose. No wonder he’s turned to drugs.
Countdown until someone catches him with a young boy (or photos).
It’s true that not everyone can simply have “self-control;” it’s just more complicated for some people - brain chemistry and all that. Video game addiction, like any other addiction, can be real and can have terrible effects if a person is predisposed.