At Nintendo, we’re committed to making a simpler-looking Sykrim, 5 years after Skyrim came out.
At Nintendo, we’re committed to making a simpler-looking Sykrim, 5 years after Skyrim came out.
Hey Jason, can someone there look into what the deal is with the pre-order thing? It says on the site that we can download and play Stick of Truth for free when we pre-order, but right below that it says that we get Stick of Truth when Fractured But Whole launches. What gives?
this looks super annoying. i’d die a bunch of times and give up. Enjoy everyone, but not for me.
I’m fairly sure that Nuka World is going to be closer to Automatron/Far Harbor than the “building” DLCs.
EA wasn’t ready at all this year. Why do a conference if you have nothing to show?
Man, they’re still not ready. This was so disappointing. No way it can make Q1 2017, it’ll likely be pushed.
Whelp, that’s the end of her.
Link goes to sunglasses.
Link goes to sunglasses.
I’m glad people are enjoying this but it just isn’t for me. There’s no single-player and PVP isn’t my thing. To me it seems like a lot of colorful interesting characters wasted on a simple PVP match-based premise.
We are four white Americans, invading the sovereignty of Bolivia and killing whoever we want. We know what’s best for these people.
It’s becoming pretty obvious that this thing isn’t a game.
Wouldn’t a modern Timesplitters kill? Especially as an Overwatch-type hero shooter, or a Borderlands-type multi-world FPS RPG?
It was far too perilous.
anyone got the english dub/subtitles yet?
I’m watching this livestream but I can only get so much out of it. Wish I spoke Japanese.
Life is filled with disappointment and despair. This is the true lesson of Mario Maker.
Your bed is disgusting.