So, you do shower AFTER the gym, like I said? Reading comprehension.
So, you do shower AFTER the gym, like I said? Reading comprehension.
I didn’t say AT the gym, I said AFTER the gym.
Whoa whoa whoa, wait. Who isn’t showering after the gym? WTF?
I’ll believe it when I’m actually playing it.
Remember, my fellow Hebrews. When they’re done blaming everything on Muslims and gay people, they will come for us. They always end up coming for us.
Well, they’ve got to make some money some way.
Hey, remember last year when they didn’t talk about Zelda because “At E3, we want to concentrate on things happening in the next 6 months?”
And just like that, I’m done with Nintendo.
Well apparently it’s far better than the POS “motion control” game.
How dare those original Manga artists whitewash their own work.
Too old, too unknown. Names put butts in seats.
Yes. Only time I’m glad I jumped on the new 3Ds, scammy as it may be.
I tend to stick with the Bladbuilders (and their predecessors) for one reason only - retractable blades. Blades that retract completely into the hilt were impossible to get until Phantom Menace in 99, and now I just can’t buy one without that feature.
Thank you for your service.
Man, that scene where Stabler gets all high and mighty and roughs up two 6 year old girls is going to KICK ASS.
God I love everything about this. Very funny work man, thank you!
Also of note - those are slide pads, not joysticks. That could be bad.
I ran out of empathy for you about halfway through your angry screed. I get it, you disagree with the video. You don’t have to dress it up into such a “smack down.”