When 90% of your income is based completely upon a private company’s product, you have a problem. It’s not a good idea.
When 90% of your income is based completely upon a private company’s product, you have a problem. It’s not a good idea.
I was going to ask why you can’t just go without glasses and use the focus adjustment, but you answered that at the end. Wonder if I could just use that, given that my prescription is very slight.
Chronological snobbery works the other way as well.
“at the end stages of development, I was in charge of the characters’ dialogue and the in-game text.”
Trump can’t quite hear him over all the votes he’s getting. We can sit here and insult the man until our faces turn blue but until we do something about the droves and droves of racist authoritarians voting for him, we’re just masturbating.
Laughed my ass off, thank you and well done.
... “discussing [the] titles coming this summer for Wii U and 3DS.”
Shoutout Syosset. Grew up there.
Put the ring on.
Slow clap for bigotry.
Your use of that word nicely exposes you as a bigot on two fronts in the same sentence. Very economical.
Why does that one Ghostbuster need four secretaries?
Quick, someone call Sarah Koenig so she can “humanize” these bastards.
Ah yes, the “no true Scotsman” argument.
All this piracy is unnecessary.
What are you talking about? Halle Berry got to be the first black Catwoman!
Damn, he only got $5k? That’s an easy settlement, it’s “f*ck off” money.