Donatello, Ninja Turtle Attorney

Sure. Okay. Let’s have White History Month.

Man, millennials are so lazy now they won’t even birth their own kids.

all I want in the world is a new HD Metroid. Give me at least an HD Prime Trilogy, geez. I’ve been playing the SD one on Wii U and it’s still awesome (and gorgeous, even in SD), but man... make it HD pretty please.

i’d watch that if it were a sitcom about them trying to run an ad agency and share a body (and an apartment!)

I might be the only person alive who didn’t like MGSV. I bought it and played it. And played it. And played it. I started missions, got caught, got killed or shot my way out, played it again to do it “correctly,” again and again. It felt like work. I dreaded having to play it. Sold it back, felt better.

I’m ready to trade in my Wii U. When I play with my friends it’s on PSN - Diablo or Destiny or Borderlands. When I want to play alone I want to play Fallout or Witcher or GTA V.

Of course they stop crying. They’re confused. They don’t know why their junk is suddenly being jiggled.

The BoS wants to destroy all synths including my friend Nick Valentine. Valentine never did anything to anyone. He’s a good dude. So f*** the BoS.

Hated 1 and 2, loved 3, couldn’t get through New Vegas, and I adore Fallout 4. Can’t get enough. More like this forever, please.

Anna Paquin Skywalker is my favorite.

I found that suit on the Big Dig, also missing a helmet and a leg.

I am so happy that this is here.

One question - is CHEERS in the game?

...Damn. I haven’t written in months. Stuck in the middle of a second draft while I toil away at a paycheck job. You’ve made me want to go home and instead of playing games, to write.

Someone make me an Assassin’s Creed game with InFamous controls. Then we’ll be cooking.

Mmmmm, drinking up those stars.... MMM, delicious.

Someone please make that Dora video.

Aaaand, nope.