Oh no, you gotta give green to get green.
Oh no, you gotta give green to get green.
Addressing criticisms that he’s outclassed by the rest of the Avengers, Jeremy Renner’s Hawkeye gifted The Tonight…
It depends on how much you want it. 3 years ago and counting I said NEVER to soda. It really hasn’t been that hard. There’s always water to drink if there isn’t an alternative. And I can say that for my WHOLE LIFE I have never eaten at McDonald’s or its ilk. No fast food—it isn’t that hard. But alcohol once a week? HA!
How about a bandit boss is having his birthday party, and his gang decided that raiding, raping and pillaging a random town is best party, and this kick-started a lone survivor’s tale of revenge?
Everyone knows someone who’s run the marathon. Today’s big-city races—in places like Boston, New York, Berlin, and…
Artist Michael Ivey replaced fallen mutants from The Uncanny X-Men #141’s iconic cover with unavailable Amiibo figures. All were all hunted down by collectors, instead of Sentinels.
This guy has written about his tragic, world-shaking divorce before. He not only sounds like a tool, but a self-obsessed tool who's defining himself completely by his failed marriage - and is trying to normalize his experience by expanding it to the rest of the world. I don't mean to be heartless, but maybe he should…
my reply to this guy: dude, write all your speculations about why your relationship failed in your journal and examine what you maybe could have done differently or better instead of acting like it wasn't you, it's EVERYONE ELSE TOO. Don't put it out there to the world and assume your issues are mine.
The “reveal” was so lame. I’m not sure if you checked it out but it was literally just a recorded video where they made twitchers spam an answer in the chat window. The first was to choose between Classical and Folk music. After all the spamming (no idea how they actually decided which option won) one of the options…
That's cool and all, the good news is you don't have to play this. I don't see retro style as a trend, I see it as a stylistic choice that adds variety to the kinds of games we play.
The clock next to the bed read 3:22 ( I assume its am since you're told to eat breakfast) and it reminded of a game that freaked me out. It was called Eternal Darkness: Sanities Requiem, it was for the GameCube. It was a great game once you got into the 2nd and 3rd play through. But that first one is really freaky.
This was the case most recently with Xenoblade Chronicles. It’s a visually stunning game with very little in the way of interesting characters. Now in my 60th hour, I’m still waiting for a giant reveal that will have me singing its praises.
So, I haven't really found information that better outlines what sort of relevance medical records need to have to be accessible by the school for litigation purposes under FERPA but these records would have been accessed anyway, without the law and even if she went to off-campus counseling. One of the claims in her…
Batman vs. Superman. Superman. Huge rout. Fuck what happened in Dark Knight Returns.
Ah of course, Darth Realistically — the most down-to-earth Sith Lord there ever was.
Batman vs Hulk? Batman wins. (It's cannon)
Potentially replying a little early, but after having spent time with two religions heavily (Christianity first, briefly Buddhism, and now Islam for 10 years), I found myself with the same problem you had: losing faith with religion as an institution (this was when I left Christianity). But over time and after playing…