Oh, and I suppose you think NOTHING is "just an accident," huh?
Oh, and I suppose you think NOTHING is "just an accident," huh?
Gotcha, cool.
That's awesome and I like it, but I'm not really sure what it has to do with what I wrote...
Man, if someone from CNN or FoxNews sees this....
Well, I guess that's as close to an HD Star Fox as we're gonna get for a while. At least until Miyamoto completes that demo he was showing off.
A lot of people are saying things about Family Guy here that could much better be said like this: "That show just isn't for me."
As soon as it comes to PS4 I'll buy it. Until then, no thanks.
You're absolutely right. There are zero valid criticisms that can be made of Saudi Arabian culture, and art is never, ever a good place to talk about cultural differences.
There's a real discussion to be had here about how many of these things exist because someone saw them on Star Trek, rather than Trek simply predicting them.
I think Pepsi should do an ad where they do the EXACT SAME THING, just to show support.
I've got my own interpretation...
All honor, no solution. Way to go.
Hey Evan. This is a great article. I think it's really cool that this is a game that not only dealt with a protagonist you could more easily identify with, but that it dealt with a particularly painful period of history for that protagonist, and that it handled it with the grace and skill to make sure you were…
Woo boy, you really had to take some time out of your cross-burning, sibling-effing day to write this one. Good on you.
La La la, reading the article, good article.
Falco... please, where's Falco?
I love the LEGO games so much (only games I've platinum'd), and yet with this one I'd rather wait for the complete version.
I decided to wait for the PS4 version of this game and it's killing me. Hopefully that'll just make it all the sweeter when I finally get to play... and play... and play...
Come on, Falco!!!