
Donald Trump acknowledged the more than decade old comments from the video. He pleaded voters remember we are living in the real world and advised the story was nothing more than a distraction. He went on to admit he has said foolish things. He also laid contrasting allegations upon Bill and Hillary Clinton

The low IQ bottom feeder humans always use fallacy logic.

I like how Solute vs Salute disqualifies my evisceration of the social justice warrior, stuck in the pseudo-reality that Nazi Salutes Nazi’s

Fuck that I’m not pretending to be smart. Only a fuck face would truly think that women did a Nazi salute and only an equal fuck face would think the Hillary photos are a Nazi salute.

I bet the same fuck face spell checkers like you are the people who believe there was a night of Nazi salutes.

You don’t understand, the context doesn’t change the reality that it wasn’t a Nazi solute. Get over it! I can’t believe you are so fanatical that you can’t just accept; both the Laura video, and the Laura Response are not Nazi solute’s. Shut up is the best advice for you at the moment.

Low IQ liberal

Low IQ liberal

External USB power is old news. You bought them because you aren’t educated enough to realize that you are purchasing a standard External USB power device at a standard price.

External USB power is old news. You bought them because you aren’t educated enough to realize that you are

What we can’t keep doing forever is guarantee the US continue to be at the forefront of the advancement of militaristic human technology. People assume we can’t keep flying them forever and we will retire them, but I could just as logically assume we are going to use them in a first strike when we realize we can’t