Masshole James, Unstable Genius

These are good ones, too.

Nah, he landed on his shoulder. Even if he landed on his head, it’s not like he used it.

If it makes you feel better, looking at the chaos in the UK is the only thing making most of us Americans feel better about our own situation with the Dotard. So thank you?

It doesn’t matter who the Democratic nominee is next year. People need to read up on political history: it’s impossible to remove a sitting president, unless there’s a recession. Since there’s a boom, The Dotard will be re-elected, very likely in a landslide and I’m afraid he might retake both houses if his margin is

Most of Jezebel right now, probably.

There’s going to be a freeze on new Star Wars movies for a few years. They’re afraid of killing their cash cow after Solo failed to, er, take off.

This is silly. You don’t even mention the new Star Wars villain.

IKR? At the very least they should give Jonah and Richard their own spin-off.

I wish I knew who he was. I’d totally marry him.

Yay Wendy! It’s about time she dumped his abusive, worthless ass! Now I’m hoping she goes all Selina Meyer on him!

Yup. Talented Mr. Ripley and Fight Club pushed me into puberty. I knew what I wanted and needed when I saw Brad Pitt and Jude Law.

Step aside and let a real hoe take care of his holiness.

Personally, I prefer Even Younger Pope.


Mariah Bell definitely has that “I’m sorry people are so jealous of me but I can’t help it that I’m popular” vibe.

I like this dude. He has no filter and I love watching a good train wreck. He’ll probably confess to trying a little crystal meth with his mom next. “I didn’t know what meth was, but I thought it would be rude to turn the bikers who offered it to me down. So we invited my mother over and well...*laughs*”!

When is trump going to give us the kind of funeral we want?

I wish I had my fainting couch at the ready before I read this.