
Your mom sucks dick for money, doesn’t she?

Kindly direct me to a link that says Donald Trump was convicted of rape.

How fucking stupid are you?

Maybe the whores should get a different job...

“Forced” into acts?

Whoa...I’m blown away with such a witty retort!

“cool story bro”

Wanna provide a link that says 7 people are dead?

Recommendation: Lighten the fuck up.

An hour and a half after your post, only one person is confirmed dead.

So then why are you alive?

Sounds like someones panties are still in a bunch after your girl Hillary got shit on...


It’s almost as if people really don’t give a shit about what whores say...



Sounds like you’re still butthurt your girl Hillary didn’t win.

I guess because she is a white Republican it’s totally okay to call her a “bitch” and a “fucking Nazi”.

Fucking pussies like you that use terms like “micro-aggressions” are the reason Trump won.