Donald McCarthy

I think it meant prison.

The story of how much he was around seems to vary. I know he went off after the Laura Palmer mystery but for how long and to what extent seems to depend on who you're asking.

Lynch didn't come back as a director until the finale. He played Gordon Cole in a number of episodes prior to that.


I need Larry back a hell of a lot.

I did not know that story!

The fact that Cole kept turning up in the iffy episodes was a true blessing.


This is the right pick to defend Trump. After all, the Huckabees have no morals. Back in the early 90s, Mike Huckabee wanted to round up all AIDS patients and quarantine them and cut funding to AIDS research.

I can't recall specifics off hand, been a while, but I always got the impression that Leland was in on it to an extent, albeit distraught, while watching the film while in the show he was only a vessel for Bob.

It's not that streaming is new, obviously, it's that people are overwhelmingly choosing to watch it online instead of aired.

Very few people watch it on tv. Huge amounts watch it streaming. Buzzfeed had an article on how it's a new phenomenon.

Lol I had the same question.

I don't like the idea of savior Laura either but I am more than willing to see where the show takes us.

Same here. It operated as metaphor during the show, likely due to network restrictions, but the movie revealed that Bob merely helped Leland act on urges he already had. Bob is "the evil that men do" as Albert said. The host has to be complicit, which is why there had to be a doppelganger of Cooper. The precise nature

There is so much beauty and horror in this episode, but I wanted to mention how much of a great tribute this episode is to Frank Silva and his portrayal of Bob. With just a few images, Silva manages to set the tone for the whole episode. I love that Lynch and Frost have kept him in it as a tip of the hat to how

I'm a long time Star Wars fan and I loved it. Keep in mind my other two controversial Star Wars opinions, though:

Could you imagine Disney's reactions to his dailies?

That will probably come out eventually. Always does.

I love Rogue One and I agree it's way better than TFA.