Donald McCarthy

I'm excited for this. Lindelof is my favorite current screenwriter outside of David Chase (he's been quiet lately). Lindelof takes huge risks as a writer and sometimes they don't pay off but when they do it's excellent, excellent work. The only thing by him that I've truly disliked is STID. Even his part of World War

Damon Lindelof doing an adaptation of Game of Thrones would've been interesting. That world has the amount of mysticism and realism that Lindelof likes to play with. I wonder what that alternate reality would look like.

"Chicanery" was a great episode. One like that is why I will end up tuning back in next season, hoping we get more on that level.

They're not going to air an episode in advance in one country and not in another.

I feel like there must be something wrong with me because I didn't care for this finale and I've found the show has a whole to be fairly blah since the first season (which I quite loved). I'm sure this is a minority opinion, but BCS just lacks tension for me. To go back an episode, I never doubted that Nacho would get

I like the idea of the Cloverfield films being related thematically, like a bunch of Twilight Zone films but with monsters. I think that's much more interesting an idea for a movie franchise than pretty much any other franchise that has come out in the last decade.

I'm not saying it needs to welcome newbies. I'm saying that if Showtime wanted younger faces then they obviously wanted newbie viewers but nothing about the show is enticing to new viewers so Showtime's plan seemed to be discarded at some point.

I've heard this, but I'm not sure it squares with what we got. Nothing about this show is welcoming to newbies and Lynch didn't even let Showtime advertise it beyond very oblique images and clips. If Showtime had really been pushing him to include a younger cast you'd think they'd have pushed him on other stuff, too,

Agreed. We do not deserve anything for our birthday this year (or most years, but especially this year).

I would assume that Dougie is a Bob creation and thus Bob gave him the ring, likely stolen from Annie.

I think that might be along the right lines, even if it does not turn out that she is a literal stand in. I think Janey-E and Sonny Jim are representative of the wife and kid Coop missed out on in the Black Lodge.

It's also possible he was getting the owl ring from Annie. Have we seen the owl ring in the Return?

Your husband and I have very similar priorities.

Just learned that Twin Peaks takes a week off because of the 4th of July holiday weekend. Unacceptable. Push back Independence Day.

No, it was when Matthew Lilliard was in jail.

It's weird. Twin Peaks gave us Denise Bryson back in 1991 (nowadays we would demand a transgender actress but in the context of the time this was a huge step forward) and that character was really groundbreaking for the time. Most television shows that used a transgender character used that character as a villain with

I was wondering that, too. I would think, if he knows anything about what happened back during the Palmer case, he would be really fucking concerned that the denizens of the Black Lodge are loose again. But this Truman has been a bit inscrutable and it's tough to tell what he does and does not believe.

The tapping scene was weird, but I later believe he was referring to a code and the order of the words. But Gordon could also be a creep there, too. Not mutually exclusive.

In regards to Lynch and abuse, I read that Fire Walk With Me tested well with women in Japan as many had faced abuse from within the household.

Wait, I got confused. You said when Coop got out, so I figured you were referring to Dougie who exploded at the same time. The burnt up dude had his head float away in episode one.