Donald McCarthy

Heh, did not notice that. Good catch.

He really made use of Seyfried's unique facial features. Managed to make the shot seem both beautiful and horrifying.

He really is funny. When he saw the coffee and did this little lean down and charge while saying "Coffee!" I just cracked up.

This definitely felt a lot more fragmented than previous episodes, like a bunch of scenes put together and then shipped out to us. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it will take some getting used to, I think. It does keep the dreamlike atmosphere going, though. We kinda just show up for an hour, fall into this

I loved how we got a possible explanation for where the Departed went, a hell of a lot more than I ever would've expected. Yet, the show still holds out that the explanation could be bullshit.

This is not a surprise, really. Maher has been saying racist things for a while now- there's no Muslim country he doesn't want to bomb- so him doing this for attention sounds about right to me.

That Albert knew to bring a picture was so perfect.

For Showtime? I don't think so. Don't Showtime shows usually get around the 1 million mark? Or am I off?

I teared up, too.

This is dumb. Just air it all at once then. People aren't going to lose interest if we have to wait longer.

Nope, the scene rocks.

The fate of the Engineers scene is one of the all time best scenes in a blockbuster, I think. Just a perfect visual.

I really liked Watchmen despite some iffy decisions. In general, I think he's brilliant with visuals. I'm not a fan of most of the stories he tries to tell, but he can craft some amazing shots.

I laughed just reading that. Keeps cracking me up.

I've seen a lot of people saying Nora was going to go to the machine at the end, but I thought the story she told, with Laurie's reaction, meant she *wasn't* going to do it and was going to call her boss.

He also does cop humor well. The exchange between the two homicide detectives in Mulholland Drive cracks me up. It's even funnier when watching it with someone who doesn't get it.

Yeah, that was great. I definitely laughed a bit over the first two episodes, but I was surprised at how much I was laughing during the next two.

I've seen episodes 3 and 4, so I don't want to comment much lest I confuse some of their content for 1 and 2. But if you were iffy on 1 and 2 (I wasn't, but I could see someone else being), then I think 3 and 4 might win you over. For one, they're hysterical.

Started reading Desperation this week. Great opening scenes. Eager to jump into it more. The woman I've been seeing returned home (she was where I live for the past few months but sadly is going back to home now), so I've been distracted with that or I would've read more.

Unless Trump resigns, there's no way he won't still be in office. Impeachment takes a long time and Congress is gone for much of the summer.