Donald McCarthy

I have no comprehension of why people look for some sort of huge reveal at the end of Inception. The point is that DiCaprio doesn't care anymore.

I've found that nerd culture can be just as close-minded and bigoted as the worst of sports culture, although nerds usually like to think they're very much above others.

Two siblings can speak, and act, very differently, especially if there are psychological issues at play. Matt had a difficult childhood and some rather intense perceptions of why he was sick.

No show has touched me the way The Leftovers has since The Sopranos. Yet, I bet a lot of people do feel the way that you do (or would, if they were still watching). I think it's a show that clicks for some and doesn't click for others and when it doesn't click, it REALLY doesn't.

I don't think it's Eccleston's dialect. I think Matt is just supposed to have an odd way of speaking.

Yep, that was him. He was listed in the end credits, too.

Just looked it up! Okay, so Lynch does not say it. The interviewer states that it seems like BOB and The Mystery Man come from the same world. He then goes on to ask a question that Lynch responds to, but Lynch never says anything about them being in the same world.

If I recall correctly, it's in the Lynch on Lynch interview book.

I think it gets confused with a comment he made about Lost Highway and Twin Peaks being in the same world, and even there he might have meant thematically and not literally.

You can't judge totally based off trailers, of course, but both trailers for It have been FAR superior to that awful Dark Tower trailer.

Yeah, I took that as real. Also, the rest of the clips from that show were perfectly awful. Exactly what a morning show is like.

Reminded me of The Sopranos episode "Whitecaps" in that you can just sense an explosive fight is coming. What's interesting here is how very little dialogue there is during the fight. Each character only says a few things before Kevin leaves, but it's still a gut punch.

This is an all-time O'Neal classic.


Also, does anyone curse better than Scott Glenn?

What hits me about this show is how it can take something ridiculous, Sr believing a pecking chicken or Grace drowning a guy based off a scrap of paper, and make me understand exactly why it might drive someone. Sure, it's all lunacy, but in the moment you totally understand why someone would grasp at the symbol.

Yeah, I'm with you on that. I've grown tired of having to defend it.

As one of the few people that liked Prometheus, this is very exciting.

Mark Linn Baker is a damn good actor. His monologue and then the line "I want some fuckin' control" was masterfully delivered.

This is a very accurate summation of the problems I had with Stewart and, to a lesser extent, Colbert, which makes the above clips a little hard to fully enjoy.