Donald McCarthy

Lotta white soccer moms voted for a fascist.


Aniston. Theorux got to be in this and Mulholland Drive.

Well, I guess we know how Damon Lindelof feels about drone warfare.

I wonder if she got any money for the documentary about herself. Has she put out a book? I'd imagine that would get her a payday, too. Has to be really weird going on the job market after everything that happened.

I remember hearing about that and figuring it would turn out to be a clickbait article where something was overblown so the writer could get a cheap headline, but, nope, Hayek was fucking awful in that encounter.

I love that a libertarian Twitter account was dunking on this when this whole situation is a perfect example of why libertarianism is a stupid, juvenile concept.

Lindelof was also much more accessible on Twitter, which made him an easier target.

It became a rather ugly situation where fandom seemed to enjoy inflicting pain on Lindelof. Faraci sure enjoyed doing that.

He's an excellent writer who sometimes takes risks that don't pay off. I'd rather that than someone who doesn't leave their comfort zone.

This is not what happened in the season two finale nor was it assumed to be a series finale.

The Lost finale is phenomenal. I have qualms with the final season, but I adore the finale. I also didn't have much of a problem with the answers to the mysteries; I think most of the answers are pretty much there outside of the cabin, which is really the only thing I found dissatisfying, because it was super creepy

Same for me. Even his misfires fascinate me.

In the book he looked vicious and terrifying at times, if I recall correctly. In the first scene he looked a little weird but friendly, but when Ben sees him when walking home, I believe he looks freakish.

Now I'm wondering what a Nic Pizzolatto-David Chase season would look like.

I'm glad they did the interview because it was getting annoying how many people were critiquing every decision the two of them made in a panic moment. We've all been in situations where we're like "Oh, fuck" yet we're not judged on it by half the damn world.

Twin Peaks is gonna be on tho.

This was a refreshing read after seeing so many people whitewashing Bush lately.

I loved both Prometheus and The Counselor so late era-Scott has been good to me.

I'm assuming this is the Engineers' home planet and that they are a dead race.