Donald McCarthy

The fact that he was able to write a good political thriller, Cloak of Deception, set in the Star Wars universe is really impressive. I can't really think of any of his books that have let me down, although I've not read Tarkin and Catalyst yet (but I will).

I've never heard about that deleted scene before. Where'd you hear about it from?

Luceno is a reliably good writer, and I wish he produced more non-Star Wars material.

Hatch knocked it out of the park in nuBSG, something that I don't think anyone saw coming. He was by far one of the most riveting and nuanced characters on the show. Even when the writing was iffy, Hatch made that character work. I could've watched a whole series about him.

I haven't seen Stranger Things, but I love giant monsters. Are there giant monsters in the first season?

Her Kellyanne Conway comes across as too repentant and guilty. Softens the evil of the real one.

I don't think it's odd he doesn't have any new projects at the forefront of his mind. He just filmed 18 episodes of television and is in the editing process now. Not a ton of time to think about a project that would start, at the earliest, a year from now.

It still shocks me that the finale of that show got aired. It was basically 30 minutes of surrealism for the last half.

Remember how Portman's acting was in the prequels? Some blame can go to Lucas but not all of it…

Survival is truly fantastic, yeah. I would've loved for her to write for 7 more.

I always felt like The Name of the Doctor followed on from The Snowman but not much else. Other than Clara knowing him, there's little needed between those two episodes and there's not much of a thematic link (outside of, arguably, Journey to the Center of the TARDIS) with the other episodes.

I think Clara works much, much better with Capaldi.

The Capaldi run has been really good. I'm halfway through 9 right now, and it's excellent.

Munro is writing next year? I had no idea. That's fabulous news.

I've recently become a fan of the games, but the movies looked terrible. Are some of them actually worth it?

Seems like you're very eager to bash something you haven't seen.

I might be off on it being buckshot. Whatever it was was designed not to kill him.

The guy who shot him purposely did not want to kill him; he just wanted to put him out of commission.

Childan is awesome. Virtually none of the characters in this show are funny except for him (Smith occasionally has a very dry line).

His review was so far off from my experience that I almost had trouble processing it. There was nothing about the presentation of the Nazis that made me think the show was doing wrong by the material.