Donald McCarthy

I really hope we get a third season at some point with or without Rush and Marty. I liked season two more than many, and I thought the all out critical assault on it was bizarre. It seemed like critics lashed out against it because Pizzolatto complained about them in an interview. The whole dynamic there was really

No, a good got shot at point blank range with buckshot and survived, which doesn't seem too unlikely. They faked you out by making it look like a shotgun blast, but it wasn't.

I'm this world's version of The Man in the High Castle. There are many rumors of my existence, but who I am has remained secret… until now.

I enjoyed The Force Awakens well enough, but this film was the first time I felt Star Wars since 2005. Really loved it. There are some definite flaws, Forrest Whitaker's character came across as awful, but I was very engaged throughout and would like to see it again, which is in contrast to The Force Awakens, which I

I think Revenge of the Sith *is* Lucas' best film. How he puts Attack of the Clones on the level of that and A New Hope is mind-boggling to me, and I would love to know his thinking behind it.

I like them a lot! Except the Anakin/Padme scenes in Attack of the Clones. But I really enjoy them. The scripts are weak, but the overall plot is actually excellent and shows a lot of thought. Lucas just needed someone to fix the dialogue and some of the pacing.

I thought that rat off the bat this season had a better sense of pacing. I finished the first two and hope to watch one or two more tonight.

The Star Wars universe seems like a playground where a director could do some fascinating visual work if they're allowed to. It's that last part that I worry about; how interested is Disney in letting directors off the leash? Probably not very.

The dialogue in the trailers for Rogue One is awful.

That was a very good one. Should've mentioned it, but I keep associating it with the trailer instead of the film itself.

The shots of this film that I've been seeing screen-capped are much more visually striking than most anything in The Force Awakens (which I thought was good but far from great). The best image from TFA was Kylo Ren watching the streak of red cross the sky, but some of the shots I've seen from Rogue One outdo that

I think that was intentional. The Jedi's arrogance blinded them to what was going on.

I'm in a similar position. I enjoyed it when I watched it, but I have no real need to see it again.

Yeah, I didn't get the impression he liked it very much.

It's my favorite of the Star Wars films. ESB is better, but I enjoy RotS more.

I appreciate that the show doles out information pretty quickly. I keep wondering how there'll be a season two, though.

If you honestly feel that terrible, hotlines can help and I do urge you to call one.

Yeah, I thought this episode came pretty close to confirming it. I'm not sure it's a needed twist, but I'm not overly bothered by it because I'm really invested in William and Dolores' story and I'm curious how that'll play on the MiB, whose narrative I also enjoy.

The former, lol

Yeah, a pledge of allegiance is really creepy, and I wish we would stop doing it.