Donald McCarthy


You can even tell from the way Maeve is filmed. She's a very attractive woman, but her nudity isn't filmed in a provocative or alluring way. If this was one of those Game of Thrones scenes she'd be filmed totally differently.

I'm liking that the conflict doesn't look to just be "robots revolt!" but something larger, a game between Ford and Arnold, almost a weird religious stand off.

Yeah, I don't notice the nudity either, and, considering some of HBO's questionable history with nudity, the mature way it's usually done here (big exception for last week's weird black penis joke) is impressive.

Dany is awful in the show. The writers seem to be in love with her, and Clarke is a terrible actress. The same went for Jon Snow, but I thought Harrington improved quite a bit in season five.

That was one of the rare interviews with the actor seems to really, really enjoy the work s/he is currently doing the rounds for.

Same, although I'm kinda cheering on the acerbic tech lady who watched the guy smash his own head in with a boulder.

That was a great line by Dolores, but I find it rather tragic, too, since I have a feeling this won't end well for her.

Abernathy threatened to kill Hopkins. Don't threaten to kill your boss unless you're ready to be fired.

I love how Ford cut down the MIB by saying how his park villain wouldn't have so obvious an undercurrent of anxiety. The flash of horror on Ed Harris' face after that comment was excellent. So happy the show got these two in the same scene together.

I agree with you. I've read the theory, and I personally kinda like it, but I don't think the show is offering a ton of evidence for it.

I agree with you about the cards being held. I like that about the show. Reminds me a little of Jeff VanderMeet's Southern Reach trilogy.

I've gone to a number of her signings and, back when I used to work for a mystery bookstore in the 00s, have seen her at other crime fiction related events and it was a big deal when she published that book because it was so different from what she'd done. Her previous books were great, but this one showed a real step

The End of Everything is one of my favorite books.


The nudity inside the installation is always unsettling, yeah. Evan Rachel Wood is a very attractive woman, but when she is naked and being examined I think it's hard to call the scene at all alluring or sexual. It's disturbingly platonic, actually.

Anything by Megan Abbott is masterful, too. Especially The End of Everything, which I've taught in my Adolescent Lit class a number of times.


Pretty much. There were some awesome conversations in the Dark Knight, but the less said about some of the banter, the better.