Donald McCarthy

I didn't feel it was gratuitous at all. I don't think you even saw anything that couldn't be shown on network TV nor did the camera seem to sexualize her. In general, despite the fact that this show has a lot of nudity, little to none of it has felt gratuitous so far (to me).

I agree. There were especially jarring in the first episode. Even the "whoever the fuck you want to be" line clunked for me.

I am really embarrassed that I didn't make the Romeo and Juliet connection. I will now sit in shame.

Her finding the other pictures was a great psychological horror moment. Reminded me of when the characters in LOST would find something super weird.

I… I don't really enjoy him as Hannibal. He's not bad, but I never found him scary, more comic book villain. I found him much more unsettling tonight than I did in any of the Hannibal films.

Great point!

I feel like some of the dialogue is the best on TV and some of it is bad. Anytime a character says "fuck" it usually sounds awful, while conversations about the nature of life tend to be pretty interesting. And the restaurant scene with Hopkins was A+. In general, they come up with great turns of phrase- "This violent

This was probably my favorite episode so far. I am very engaged by the idea that the robots see the controllers in a religious light, specifically that they are "from Hell." It's a nice twist on Hopkins' speech about how he and Arnold were gods.

Who the hell did they originally pass Dourif over for in LotR? He was perfect.

It makes me wonder if the MIB really raped Dolores in the first episode or if he was just mocking the process that she has to keep going through.

I loved when Clinton called half of them deplorables. I find that her campaign has been relatively spineless so far, and that was areal highlight because she called shit what it was.

Springsteen hits me as someone who would write this himself.

I just wanted to use this opportunity to say that Martin Short is an underrated treasure.

I read about this and then, for some reason, put myself through watching it (well, half of it), and it was somehow worse than I thought it would be and I already figured it was going to be pretty bad.

That was a wonderfully eerie moment. Small touches like that are what make me think this series will work well.

Yeah, from some of the comments beforehand, I assumed they were going to show it; I thought it was handled well in this way.

It's possible he's some maverick robot who is "read" as a guest, but I think it's more interesting if he's human.

The Paint it Black cover was certainly distracting, but I thought it was pretty awesome, if a little weird.

Man, that conversation was so heartbreaking as he recalled all the things that have happened to his daughter. Then, though, it became chilling as he said his intention was to meet his maker. The actor was A+, which is quite an accomplishment when you're sharing a scene with Anthony Hopkins.

The trailers have made this look like quite the visual spectacle, and Anthony Hopkins looks like he's putting on his acting pants again so I am very, very ready for this.