Donald McCarthy

Oh, well, this'll show him.

I can't stand either Pratt or Lawrence whenever I see them interviewed, and that has carried over into film. My loss (although not necessarily with this film), but I just can't watch them in most films.

Breitbart has an article up about Trump saying Obama was born in America; the article comes with a picture of Harambe. Breitbart is also now heavily involved in Trump's campaign. I guess that's funny, Jimmy.

"Randon Billings Noble"

I am awful at puzzles and couldn't do anything in Myst, but I still adored it. Just walking around and soaking in the creepy atmosphere was awesome. I remember my aunt had it when I was a kid, like 7 or 8, and it sorta blew my mind even though I couldn't do jack shit in it.

Damn, I am really stoked for Arrival.

It never occurred to me he was on cocaine. I thought Pacino was just giving a nutty performance.

Say what you will about Vinyl overall, but Romano was really great in it it, even though the part was smaller than it should've been.

Yeah, Chevy Chase can be a dick, whatever. I've always had a lot of goodwill for the guy, and I hope he gets better soon.

The ending line by Hopkins is something that should be generic, but is, in fact, quite creepy.

I didn't find it unsatisfying; if anything, it was less ambiguous than I expected it would be.

Critics got the first seven episodes ahead of time; that's why they were in love with it.

Really enjoyed this show, but, yes, that was ridiculous. Made no character sense to me, and it seemed to have little to do with the overall plot.

I did not see that. I had no idea about this call. I don't know how I missed it. Yeah, that sounds really, really bad.

I have a lot of thoughts, some of them contradictory.

Fuck this, Larry is back on HBO next year.

As much as I've been enjoying the show, including this episode, the shirt thing is something that is sticking with me after it was pointed out the first week on here. That's what I get for coming to The AV Club.

The actress who plays Naz's mother is doing a near infinite amount with very little.

Yeah, I really dig Pizzolatto's writing, both onscreen and in prose. I'm eager to see what he's coming up with here.

I understand, but for me this went to characterization. There's no way Stone wouldn't have thought of this earlier. The cops? Yeah, they probably didn't care. But Stone has been presented as too obsessed with this case for it not to have come upon him earlier on.