Donald McCarthy

He was mostly correct, though. A hypocrite, yes, but Chandra was walking into danger there.

To me, he either would've checked social media right away or he would have never done it. Doing it then was definitely a little odd.

Enjoyed this one quite a bit BUT I did not buy that Stone wouldn't have already looked into who owned the house. That was a false note.

I'm glad you kept it in. Felt like a moment out of the show, actually.

One of the few batshit fan theories I love is that Kramer is a secret drug dealer and makes tons of money that way.

Nothing about the Marvel/DC films makes me want any director I like to be involved with them.

I love the digression into who played Julian on The Shield.


I was confused by that at first, too. I was like, "Wait, was Alduous Huxley a black guy and I've had someone else in mind all along?!" Obviously I don't mean you can't be black and adapt a white dude's work, but the comment just seemed strange in the context, I guess? Like it implied there was an issue with this

My veins are cold.

Gotta get a Knights of the Old Republic movie.

I thought Attack of the Clones had a really, really good one that promised an amazing tragedy that the film most certainly did not deliver.

You get either that or a lame one liner as the last shot in most franchise trailers now.

I found the trailers for TFA to be pretty dull. I liked the movie a lot, but nothing I saw in the trailers got me too excited other than the scene of Vader's helmet.

Say what you will about the Star Wars prequels, but their trailers always had an epic feel to them, like you were about to see a myth laid out before you. The trailers for TFA and this film are pretty much exactly the same as any trailer for any other franchise. Doesn't mean anything about the film's quality, but

BEE seems to be a total prick, especially nowadays, but I've enjoyed most of his novels. He brings a creepiness to them that is hard to pin down and even harder to replicate. I haven't read McInerney, though.

Sadly, I read how the British show ended. :(

Uh, what?

Ha, I had the same thought.

Box has an amazing voice. Both soothing and menacing. A weird paradox. Bill Camp, the actor, did a great job in the scene where he's tracing Nas' steps. Totally silent, yet he projects an intelligence.