Donald McCarthy

I'm definitely curious to see if *he* also wonders whether or not he did it.

He seemed to come from a very sheltered background so I think he probably is ignorant. He also seems like a box of nerves so I can buy them all getting the better of him.

Her opening the door to let the cat out might be something, too. Someone could've gotten in that way supposing Naz didn't kill her while he was blacked out.

The scenes with Andrea in the cab were early-True Detective level of creepy.

I was a big fan of Cell, too. It wasn't King's deepest by any means, but it was a fun horror show, and it had some great images in it. I didn't mind the ending.

We're missing the death blow!

He's an underrated MVP.

I kept thinking this season would end with the Wall coming down, an image I've been waiting for. While that didn't happen, it sure seemed like Benjen was foreshadowing it will.

I've seen a few people say this, and it honestly never hit me that he was raping her. It just seemed like torture. Am I missing something obvious here?

Beautifully directed, great acting, but back to some really iffy writing and dialogue again. They've definitely been struggling without Martin's dialogue to borrow from. Remember some of those scenes in season two that were just two characters throwing barbs and philosophy back and forth? Even in the battle episodes?

Yeah, I can't see him winning this election unless Clinton decides to execute a child on stage at the Democratic Convention and even then it's 50/50.

Man, the cinematography on the old show was stellar, wasn't it? The show always looked sharp as fuck with such excellent direction even in mediocre episodes.

I totally get why some people hated that episode, but there were so many strange, amusing moments that I sorta love it despite myself.

My favorite Curb line is one that's sadly not applicable to too many situations. When Larry is petting the German Shepherd he goes "This is nice; it's not often you get to be affectionate towards something German."

We need Great Job Internet to find out if it's a prosthetic.

His speech to Jaime about being a good man was A+.

I actually reflected for a moment on where I was in life when they were last in a scene together and I was like, "Oh, shit!"

I'm fine with two or three more seasons so long as it's paced well. My issue with 4 and 5 weren't what did/didn't happen but instead how stop and go it was. Last year's finale, for instance, was almost silly thanks to how much shit they packed in at once.

I thought the first couple episodes this season were weaker, especially 2 and 3, and that Jon's resurrection has mostly been bullshit, but since then I've really loved this season. It's almost on par with the second season, my personal favorite.

There should not be any more of The Shield. It ended perfectly.