Donald McCarthy

I like movies about people who aren't captured.

I still can't believe the publisher allowed King to put that scene out. I'd love to hear what King thinks of that decision now.

No idea who this is, but I'm glad the film is going ahead. I'm very much looking forward to it.

What are the odds she'd end up acting even worse than Roger Moore? I'd say pretty good.

I wasn't there for the Manson killings, but I don't think they just repeatedly fell on people while happening to hold knives.

This is… odd. I find The Walking Dead to be borderline fascist (that doesn't necessarily mean it's bad, it could be interesting to explore, but the idea that it's optimistic is foreign to me).

Jesus. You have witnesses, pictures (including some of the damage done in the home by him), and the justice system appears to be taking her case seriously, all of which point to this being a slam dunk in terms of Depp's guilt. In general, I don't think a rush to judgment by the public is good in any criminal case, but

Craig was so awesome that I haven't seen Spectre simply because I know it's his last film and I don't want to go through watching his last one be mediocre. Casino Royale is one of my all time favorite films, I didn't mind Quantum, and I really enjoyed Skayfall.

His recent villain addition of the flower dude was fantastic. Just a beautiful/horrifying concept and Cappullo's art was A+.

That's what I'm thinking. Bran's flashbacks have been reminding us of Benjen all season.

Ned Stark stood up for what he thought was right and got executed for it. It wasn't in the moment heroism like this one, but it was a certain type of bravery, I think.

I believe so! I perked up when I heard him say it.

He didn't, though. No one told him the Night King could interact with him and he had no reason to think he would.

I had the exact same thought. He needs to visit Asshai.

Yeah, that was weird. Since we don't have book context for this plot, I really don't know which way it goes with Littlefinger. He looked genuinely upset, but it's not like he'd be above feigning compassion.

I'm curious if the origin of the White Walkers will be the same in the book or different, if only a little. Because in the books, the Night King was a man who joined up with the already existing White Walkers, right? I mean, the legend could be wrong, but it seemed like the Night King voluntarily took up with the

Time and travel is crazy on this show, but I don't think the White Walkers have been journeying to the Wall this whole time. They're likely waiting for something.

Well. Shit. That made me cry a bit.

Him and his wife were taking salaries after claiming they wouldn't.

I'm an idiot and totally misread the article. Apparently the film is resuming? No, that's not good. Dude is a scam artist.