Donald McCarthy

I'm growing impatient for the next book, but I find that the show has lost its way in many aspects so if Martin's slow pace avoids the problems of the show then he can continue to take his time. People talk about him dying before he finishes the book, but live a damn long time now. And that includes people who are

There's a good argument that separating the books by viewpoint was a bad idea, but I do think both novels work well on their own thematically.

Yeah, I couldn't get into that series, either. I don't want to say the writing was bad, but nothing about the series stuck out to me at all.

At some point during the reign of the show, it became hip to bash the books and to bash Martin, claiming the show is so much better, but his prose is often excellent. Even more impressive is that it gets better as the series goes on, which is hard to do when you're already locked into a writing style for a series. For

I don't find Carvey funny, but I have an endless amount of goodwill for Church Lady. The character is disturbingly similar to moralizing religious nuts I've met and the weird facial expressions are only a slight exaggeration of what I've seen.

Superior dance!

I don't mind slow pacing; I dislike bad pacing. Last season's pacing was awful, especially at the end when it felt like thirty episodes were smashed into one.

It really feels like this season is stuck in place, which is odd since the producers keep saying that the ending isn't far off. Yet by the end of the hour (well, a little less), I felt like I'd seen a ton of anecdotes that didn't ad up to much.

Trying to debate him on ideas is pointless. Elizabeth Warren's latest Twitter assault on him has been the best move yet: call him weak, spineless, and an intellectual con artist. She's playing Trump's game in a way none of the other candidates have, including Hillary who apparently wants to brand Trump "Dangerous

I'm 26 now. Will I still be living at the ripe age of 126?

I live with someone who watches this show and I can't really stand it, BUT the actress who plays the host of The Liberty Report deserves the biggest fucking Emmy ever. Her performance is so spot on and rivals Colbert's in terms of satirizing right wing correspondents. Make the show all about her and you have an A+

Which Jon Stewart will it be? The smart, funny, and genuinely interested in media criticism of the mid 00s or the phoning it in, mugging nonsense we got after 08? It's tiring to see so many websites proclaim that we need Stewart back to somehow take care of Trump. Humor can make a difference when it's done well, but

She is really, really great in it. I remember that line and it's perfect.

Agree with the love for Three Days of the Condor. A smart film with a classic Redford performance.

As someone who thinks drone warfare as done by the US is a moral atrocity, I'm looking forward to this. Hathaway is a great actress and it sounds like a fascinating concept.

America doesn't win with superheroes anymore. We just lose. We need to build a wall to keep them in.

I haven't seen that, but I really need to.

I really wish Pierce Brosnan was in better films because I have a lot of goodwill for the guy. I do sorta like the idea of him being a cackling villain, though, so maybe?

That's an oddly positive review for this trailer.

Humor seemed to be secondary in his stand up here. He seemed to really revel in ripping down the media in the room. I approve. This election cycle has made me realize how fucking vile so much of the media, especially television media, is.