Donald McCarthy

Yeah, if it turns out the power from Shireen's death did it and that's also how Davos finds out about what happened to Shireen then that'd be generally interesting.

I agree about the Ironborn fleet but if that is how Dany will get to Westeros then I can't see how this show ends in season seven even if it is a few extra episodes. That's a lot of plot to cover.

His character in the show would only improve if he came back as Lord Stoneheart, to be honest. Maybe Mel should've waited a day.

Thoros revived them right away, though. We saw in the books what happened when it took a while but who knows if that holds for the show.

Fair enough, but the ritual seemed to require nothing of Melisandre and the last time there was a resurrection of this magnitude, with Khal Drogo, we got the idea of death paying for life. Here all that it required was a drop of water. Somehow I don't think Jon is going to be a crazy person a la Lady Stoneheart either.

That was the lamest, most consequence free resurrection ever. I have to think George is gonna give us something better than that.

This review is an all time AV Club classic.


Oh, yeah? Wast that confirmed? I've kept my head down in regards to the new show because I didn't want to be too spoiled but I've been loosening up on that lately…

I assumed the ending of the recent trailer from a few months ago showed Leland/Bob.

Yeah, Laura's cousin. Mattie or Maddie. I don't recall which way it was spelled.

Ah, that's too bad.

Did he? I had no idea about that. Any reason why?

Oh, man, when he's in front of the mirror and Mattie comes down. He turns…

Where's Michael J. Anderson? I'm hoping they're just keeping that a secret because we need the Man From Another Place and all the Red Room goodness.

Even Christian Bale would be like, "This Leto is a little too intense for me."

The interference in this first season would've come before the ratings, though.

I didn't care for the BB finale too much so that article was a relief after seeing all the other critics praise it to the heavens.

I'm looking forward to Westworld, when we get it in 2020 or whenever. Will probably air alongside Game of Thrones Season Seven, Part Four.

It does seem to be a recurring problem with this show. If you go back to the pilot, almost everything from it could've been cut and we should've started with Richie attending the concert. Instead, we get a glimpse of that at the start and then go back in time. It's not that the other stuff was bad, but in hindsight it