Donald McCarthy

A pretty good ending for an uneven season. I don't hate the mob stuff as much as others do, it could stick around and I wouldn't care, but I find the show has tended to lack a vision of any sort. In the recent interview where David Chase mentioned not being happy with Terence Winter being fired, he alluded to there

If they end it this soon then I think it's safe to say they'll be deviating from the books' ending because there's no way they can put all of Martin's still outstanding elements into play and resolve everything.

I've been a fan of Winter's and while Vinyl has been hit and miss, I had a lot of faith in him creating a better second season. He did it with Boardwalk. Now my interest in the second season is less, to put it mildly.

Man, that moment in the original when Regan walks backwards down the stairs is a thing of nightmares. I only watched this film for the first time a couple months ago and I was not prepared for how horrifying it'd be in context.

I'm a loser nerd who won't see this simply because I find the idea of Batman shooting and killing people to be vile. Couldn't believe that when I read it in one of the earliest reviews.

There's a great horror movie to be made out of Lovecraft's universe, if not necessarily his actual stories.

I recently watched The French Connection for the first time and found it masterful. Is the second one worth watching.

Doctor Simon Hurt.

I enjoy this show quite a bit when I watch it, but I feel no drive for the next episode the way I do with other HBO dramas. During that first season of True Detective, the wait between episodes was *brutal*. Here, it's Sunday and I'm like, "Oh, Vinyl is on."

My God.

We get Trump, though, whose supporters think it's cool to beat up black people and he eggs them on.

She's also begun saying that Sanders has supporters because he promises free stuff, an insult that Republicans used to throw at Dems for years. Dear God, what would she then use that?!

Yeah, this idea that Clinton will easily win is dangerous and I think it's led to a lot of her recent campaign sloppiness. Many liberals aren't particularly excited by her thanks to how often she has pivoted to the right in the past and it's wrong to underestimate how racist Americans can be and how many might vote

Didn't he go on one of those tired "the Star Wars prequels raped my childhood!" rants?

I saw the trailer before Cloverfield (which I adored) today, too. Was it the same as the previous one released? I couldn't remember.

I saw this today and loved it. I had no problems with the ending twist. I understand why some might find it too jarring, but it led to some absolutely beautiful shots that I could stare at for a long time.

Somewhat surprised this song didn't make it into American Psycho (although New Order's True Faith did).

I like it quite a bit, too. It's not as unique as the original, but it does have its own pleasures.

I'm glad this film is coming out so we make sure no one forgets Thomas is an asshole and that Anita Hill was treated disgraceful (including, sadly, by Democrats, too).

Christie has been so thoroughly embarrassed by this Trump endorsement, especially his "held hostage" look the other night. I'd say no one deserves that, but he totally does.