Donald McCarthy

That's my favorite King novel and perhaps my favorite novel full stop. I agree its ending works well.

Stephen King is one of my absolute favorite novelists but…

Whenever I think back to the first season, I think, "My God, how did that ever work?" But it sure did.

It'd be tough. I hope they go an unusual path with it, though, and not just him doing drugs, screwing over his friends, and cheating on his wife. A total train-wreck gets tiring after a while. One of the reasons I didn't care for much of Mad Men season six, which became repetitive. It's a tough road to walk down, no

I think you're definitely right. What I more meant was that I didn't want a retread of previous flawed leads, like Draper, and instead something new.

I enjoyed it, although there were definitely elements of "I've seen that before."

When you look over his decisions, so many of which hurt or even killed the impoverished and non-white, and read his gleeful briefs, you realize how much of a walking moral atrocity he was.

I adored Boardwalk Empire so I'm looking forward to checking this out even though the topic doesn't overly interest me.

The shot in the teaser where the Trashman seemingly appears in the middle of the street was excellent. I'm not sure anything else in the episode quite lived up to that, but it was a really well directed moment.

I didn't want them to revisit the William plot, but I actually think it's been handled really well so far.

I'd imagine quite a bit.

I know that one of Romney's staffers threw up after the Clint Eastwood speech at the RNC.

It's always something else to see a politician go down in flames live. I really enjoyed it. All of them on stage were awful to some extent, but he's so unintelligent and arrogant that it was a pleasure to watch him go down, especially after the months of the media trying to make "Rubio is surging!" a thing.

I think David is one of the few rich and famous people to have genuinely not changed at all from when he wasn't rich and famous. Sure, he probably exaggerates he's loathing of things, but not by much. I think people respond to that genuineness.

My love for this man grows every day. I like to think the actors' reactions are real and Sanders just happened to go on that rant while filming and they didn't have the budget to reshoot.

Ray Liotta is awesome and I really wish he'd been in more stuff. No idea of the quality of this show, but I hope it keeps him working for a while.

I liked Daenarys in the books a lot and have been greatly letdown by her in the adaptation. In the books the character was out of her depth, but also had an inner strength. Anytime Clarke seems to project strength it comes across as so awful and forced yet I don't get the impression Clarke is aware of that or doing it

I wonder if she will continue her "I am totally out of my acting depth" approach that she uses in Game of Thrones.

On occasion it got a little too goofy and self-impressed for me, but I loved it overall. However, I have to give special note to the ending with Mulder shaking hands with the lizard man. A truly beautiful moment where he regains some faith in himself. Duchovny's expression in the scene is a great example of silent