Donald J Orangutrump

or “Grounds for promotion”

Ever since she met Trump, she’s been a fan. She has said it over and over and over again in interviews and on the campaign trail, telling the story of how the two met for the first time at the U.S. Open and he bought her an ice cream cone and it was, as she put it to a crowd of women in 2016 shortly after the Access

Makes sense that she’s a big supporter of adopting rescue dogs.

Now even the Conservatives in the Supreme Court are with Trump and the GOP’s corruption and racism. America as we once knew it is over. The resentful white man got his revenge for Civil Rights. After Trump wins in November. The worst is yet to come.

Fruit of the tainted Reagan tree. Besides, who do you think was the CIA chief fucking things up while Carter was in office?

Our only hope is that the Coronavirus becomes a plague that wipes out more than half of humanity leaving a precious, scattered few to rebuild again.

Great article with far more detail than I expected from the headline.

No one gets shot if this guy is transferred from jail to ICE custody.

“Wow I am shocked by this turn of events”

My grandmother survived the Holocaust by being smuggled around German attics. Jojo Rabbit was my favorite movie of 2019. This is an appalling take on a movie that tells today’s kids what being a Nazi looks like and how to stop being a Nazi, by putting it in a frame they will actually pay attention to.

Dude, watch the movie. You’re talking out of your ass right now and making a fool of yourself. You’re not being unfair, you’re being stupid. Did you also think Life is Beautiful was pro-Nazi? 

Yeah, what about them whataboutisms, what about them huh?!

They sealed it with JK Simmons for me

Donnie and his mar a lago fuckboys are also coming after the postal service and the VA, they want to privatize them, not for smaller government or to improve them, but to milk them for their cash. A supposed Republican tenet has always been smaller government but what they really mean by that is privatizing and

I think it is more likely he is making a comment on the people that abuse the system already and get their ordinary pets certified as emotional support animals so they can bring them in the main cabin.

Millions people also believe in God, so.

People are incredibly suggestible. Every age has had their hucksters and snake oil salesmen. Social media just makes it easier and cheaper to reach a wider audience.

The placebo effect. 

kill yourself

More, that’s what new. Most people think they know how bad Trump is. Even now, they still don’t the half of it.