Donald J Orangutrump

End tax-exempt status for all religious organizations. 

Was in an Uber on the way to the airport yesterday with Steve Harvey on the radio talking about people feel stress because they are not trusting in “the lord”.

Is President Obama too classy to ever let us know what he really thinks about this mf’er? Even him dead and buried President Obama isn’t going to burn this dude’s ass.

If only, eh, Doctor?

Listen up all of you dixie whistling Nazi fucks, there would be no ISIS or theocratic Iran if it wasn’t for American traitors, mostly republicans, willing to lick Saudi ass for oil and money. George W. Bush made ISIS and his Saudi puppeteers are still paying for it.

Just a heads up: If you get shitty or mean in these comments I’ll remove them. Go be an asshole somewhere else. 

He looks like a youth pastor doing a rap skit in the second picture.

Bout effin time a few of these Christians stand up and lay into that insufferable jackass. He is not, nor ever will be the bright shining example of what they want. He is not a good and kind soul they want but one of those blithering idiots who preach God while tooling around in private jets and explaining they need

But everyone knows that Rene Descartes was a drunken fart, who was very rarely stable.

Uniform vendor Endgame, LLC, based in the Algonquin Indian territory of Upstate New York, says it is unaware of the presence of smallpox in the uniforms and wishes you would stop asking about smallpox because this is clearly just a topical allergic reaction and nothing more. Delta is welcome for these extremely unlucky parent ended up with a big bill after taking his child on a trip to the car dealership...

I hate the term “furbaby” or in this case “feline child” and that’s where I quit reading.

I say this now to all of you who would use such terms seriously.....

You sound like a 6yrold when you say it.

A cat is not a child and calling it one shows a level of ignorance that is jaw-droppingly insulting to parents.

Your cat

Luckily for me, a cat parent, my feline child would never accompany me to a dealership if I ever went to one...

There’s this stupid game racists like to play that’s the intellectual equivalent of “I’m not touching you”. It’s basically saying and doing shit that’s clearly, undeniably racist, but because they didn’t explicitly drop the N-bomb or say “I hate black people” that they can somehow defend their behavior in some

Meghan McCain criticizing someone because she thinks they didn’t “earn” something is...something.

I don’t drive, because I live in a country with excellent public transport so there is no need to drive if you live in an urban area. I also got a year’s paid leave with my son, get free health care, paid sick leave, subsidized child care, free higher education and I have never worried that I would be the victim in a

Remember all the thrashing and damage caused by the Clintons when they were being investigated and impeached?

See, I think the real anti-Semites are the evangelical Christians who support Israel only so all the Jews can return there, thus kickstarting Armageddon, in which the Jews will have only two options: convert to Christianity, OR FUCKING DIE.

(I’m male and) I always flirt with the male agents that I identify as hetero as they give me the extra attention. I’m not gay, I just believe in making them feel as uncomfortable as I am.