Donald J Orangutrump


Yup. See “Canada”...

Let me be the 100th to say, “Trump doesn’t know shit” would have sufficed.

I’m Canadian. It was an ambulance bill for $84.

A man can dream...

If Gronk has brain damage, my guess is only some of it can be attributed to his job. I’ve seen footage of Rob, his Dad and about 4 or 5 slightly smaller Gronk brothers - the “special” seems to be at partially hereditary.

This is perfect summary of everything #OrangeFoolius has ever said. His fanbase DGAF about “facts”. He lets their inner nasty come out & gives their darkest hate some fertile ground to grow.

He’s a liar, a bully and a thief. Nice...

Back seat / cargo area of Ford Pinto. At drive in. During incredible lightning storm. It was like fucking in a strobe-lit fishbowl.

The average mental defective at one of those money throwing away services has bigger fish to fry than books. The scammers know their audience & have had many centuries to hone their bullshit. Big money and power in being the one who knows what the invisible wizard in the sky wants.

Wait for next RNC

Mental illness, manifesting in paranoia over the impossible. Same utter nonsense as if a “healer” had given them magic crystals. Proof of competency should be paramount when consulting anyone about educational matters. Religious zealots are NOT a reliable resource.


People always forget that those, and subsequent trials, produced very few guilty verdicts, and even fewer death penalties. The German judicial system was clogged with ex-Nazi, current Nazi & Nazi sympathizers. They were loathe to persecute themselves, so pretty much didn’t. Now look at the current US judiciary -

And suicide...

You: “Putting Ivanka in charge couldn’t have made the Bank any worse...”

Nice to meet ya!!!

Dylan. He was part of legendary 1986 triple bill concert I was at - Petty/Heartbreakers, Dylan & The Dead, Orchard Park, NY. Petty et al. were amazing, then Dylan came out (Petty/Heartbreakers were his backup band). Dylan SUCKED! Mumbling, incoherent, passionless. SUCKED! I was part of history & I still want 1/3 of my

Mmmmm - Evan Rachel Wood blending with Chloe Sevigny...

Pimpin’ ain’t easy...