Donald J Orangutrump

His Mom did Chewie

That kid saw some shit

If prior history is any indication - the tRump family will not be personally held responsible for anything. Guilty is one thing, suffering real life repercussions is entirely another.

A better browser than MS Internet Exploder (by a mile). About 100 years ago.

The day my Netscape Navigator 2.0 stops working is the day you pry it from my cold, dead hands...

Canadian Football League wouldn’t have him...

A mild joke inside a major one...

THAT is a valid query...

She reportedly had bad post-partum depression. Could mean she never bonded with kid. Shame, but it’s nature at her most basic.

all filthy, best to avoid any place where humans have been.

People who drink beer should be mad that watery crap is called beer.

Am I wrong to hope for Dr. Nick V2???

They’ve never let ME down!

Uhhhhh, if some dude spends time/effort either full time ridiculing or making money from stopping it from happening - he, or his friends, are up to their elbows in it. Especially in the USA.

Pretty sure it’s a brief cameo - sight gag.

$5 Cdn and a bent Steam card says the employees scored the “cancelled” orders.

The proud rebels of Bikini Fasto salute your honesty & wisdom, as we, too, have been denied access due to our geographic isolation.

I know a couple (she’s the cosplayer, he’s a fan) that use conventions as place to find female bed partners for her. Threesomes if possible, but mainly for her. They have a very high success rate, as she’s hot & does amazing costumes. No guys, just gals. Usually they go back to hotel room for cos-pics & talk/drinks,

Does “2 of my cousins, but not at the same time” count???

Frankie Says Relax