Blindly is interesting term - it takes careful thought and compassion for the wild animals to NOT put them in cages so nosepickers like you can gawk and point.
Blindly is interesting term - it takes careful thought and compassion for the wild animals to NOT put them in cages so nosepickers like you can gawk and point.
1 - no god, so that line of “reasoning” is bullshit.
The tiger always wins in a fair fight...
Hmmm - pack of no longer domesticated dogs or pack of no longer domesticated cats?
Common sense statements from obviously intelligent poster.
I’m gonna need some ointments after THAT burn, eh?
You tried - you stepped up, took your swing & missed. Be grateful you got a chance in the big leagues.
Like Chris Rock said, “That tiger didn’t go crazy - that tiger went tiger”.
Good one!
Funny thing about MENSA - originally intended to be a kind of international “think tank”. Getting ultra bright people together to solve the worlds ills.
The guy with the grizzlys thought so too - it only took 1 of them to eat him and his girlfriend.
Hey, dumbass - guess the tiger let us know how they felt about it.
I stand corrected - good point.
Wow - 1 tiger whisperer gets eaten & the entire bottom 3rd of the IQ scale gets on the internet to tell me how it was “gods will” or some other stupid tripe.
Cool story, bro’
Voting got W, Cruz, et al. elected to office.
I know - and that says more about humans than anything.
Such a bitter little person - did your mom not breast feed you or sumthin’??? Hey, keyboard warrior - you’re chomping at the bit to be aggressive with something, go hug that tiger.