Donald J Orangutrump

Oh right - my screen name is endorsement of Trump.

She’s retiring & going to work as a “Tiger Whisperer”

Because they use “real wild animals” in “cages” for “entertainment” and “profit”.

Ricky Gervais posts a lot of pics of matadors (bull fighters for our scholastically challenged friends) getting gored by bulls.

Don’t harass me can’t you tell I’m going home I’m tired I say I’m not the kind I used to be I’ve got a kid I’m 33 baby...

Now playing

Given the current political climate, it seems that anything left of far right is “unpopular” opinion.

This ^^^^^^

You spelled “anti-vaxx” wrong...

Wild animal attacks & kills “wild animal expert”, in a cage, in a zoo.

Bet she tasted great, too!

Interesting - but don’t beg, it makes you look weak.

I know, right???

But you’re a genius and deserve to be alive, that’s right

Maybe a hint that tigers & people are bad mix anytime AND maybe wild animals shouldn’t be in fucking cages so dumbass hicks can gawk at them.

Interesting - do go on...

That type of lying behavior IS Trumps personal foreign policy - his policy is to lie* about EVERYTHING foreign (or domestic).

There are plenty of people who could answer that question for you but I feel like you don’t really care to have it answered.

Steady there, big girl - imagine YOUR venom if some dude (300+ lbs) strapped on a banana hammock and made a beeline for the spot right in front of you?

Don’t wear see-through leggings without underwear. This won’t set off security alarms but you will make everyone around you deeply uncomfortable.