donald horn

Sounds like every dude on tinder to me. 

Well to be fair, there wasn’t a black man involved. 

I have two brothers and a nephew who went to Morehouse and I must say... I’m not shocked by these accusations.

Not sure I’ve encountered a feral coon shuckin’ and jivin’, but then again I like to give all coons a wide berth.

“Bette Midler, how dare you make a blanket statement that black people can’t think for themselves...”

He’s wearing the same shirt/fleece combo at the dinner table as in his profile pic.

I can cosign I worked in retail for a number of years they steal shit then leave.  

You just defined SWATting in a nutshell.

Imagine just starting to work at this place and you’re taking something to his office and you open the door and hear:

How’s he going to afford that love letter to Madonna now???

Quote Pac = must resign.

except bake a cake for gays

New headline proposal: Well-meaning White Woman White Womans All Over Well-meaning White Audience

According to the Houston Chronicle, during her “Love America” tour in 2018, Williamson had all the white attendees turn and hold hands with the closest black audience member and had them apologize for slavery, lynching, and police brutality.

But isn’t telling American congresswomen to first go to another country and fix those problems before trying to fix problems in America the very definition of putting America last?

“She must be amazing in the sack or something. I can’t think of any other reason for George not to have divorced her ass.

I stopped trying to make sense of their marriage long ago. I’mma just go with Crockett’s assessment that she’s a crisis actor who will sell her soul to the highest bidder, and George is cool with it.  *shrugs*

Hey, folks, here’s a tidbit you can offer in the future to anyone arguing that no one would ever plead guilty or confess to a crime they didn’t commit. Look at what happened when the state agreed to throw out the convictions that resulted from his arrests:

I like your story where a prosecutor is going to look any further past whether or not this case would be an easy win to whether the suspect is actually guilty. When do the dragons come in?