donald horn

It’s not funny, it’s the goddamn truth.

She doesn’t. These men are also salty centrist democrats.

associations with the Queen of England

...err, gentrifying Harlem?

The best revenge is...

This isn't the 1920s where men defend the honor of women by dueling. He didn't even know the woman. He should fire his bodyguards if he isn't going to make them do stupid in his stead 

William not as close to his two anuts as Harry is and Will hate playing wingman to his brother and vice versa.

Didn’t this kid get the memo? Black people are the most homophobic race in America

A USED stand is $7. And the tubing and bag are no longer sterile once opened obviously— You can’t sell stuff like that! EBay doesn’t even let you sell opened perfume ffs!

You know they couldn’t just let him go. They had to make sure they arrested him just to show their power over nigg*rs.

“You are a security guard at a hospital. You encounter someone in hospital wear who says he’s a patient.”

I’d be suing everybody and thanking God every day that I didn’t die because of this bullshit.

No one wants to face the truth. No matter how many people endorse Biden we can’t escape facts. Trump winning next year is like Thanos i.e. he is inevitable.  The only way to stop Trump is through a violent revolution which would destroy America and no one wants that.   Then again Trump running America would also

That’s very true. Unlike Biden, Trump will be his party’s candidate.

Why is it always on us, the oppressed, to embrace the oppressor and overlook their oppression?? Why must we always have to forgive and cater to their sensibilities, when they never cater to us and deny our very humanity. I’m tired of this type of status quo black establishment politics. They would lead us to our

The question is how many people, besides his family, truly know him?

Jesse Jackson was amazing when he ran for president in 1984. Since then though...

“Folks, the discussion in this race today shouldn’t be about the past.”

I never find myself wondering about the sexual orientation of the people around me. Which I assume is a sort of straight privilege, frankly.

I’m bisexual and wonder about it, but my gaydar is also crap.