donald horn

“Decades? Pssh,that’s nothing-I managed to turn the entire country into that in two years!”


Salty [filet o'] fish on cheap bread with cheese? Some things never change.

Barr isn’t going to regret anything... he did the job he was hired to do, and I’ll eat my hat if he’s still here once we start the primaries.

You know, if you are related to Donald Trump, might not be the best thing to post pictures with captions in what looks like Russian.

Shooting somebody in cold blood is a little further down the continuum. That’s what this POS was working towards, methinks.

I once dated a girl whose mother raved about “chicken-ro con polio,” a dish served to her by a friend. After asking her to describe it, my recent high-school Spanish kicked in to decipher, “Arroz con Pollo”.

About a decade ago my mom, in a burst of nostalgia, took our whole family to Disney World a few years ago.

...i put hot sauce on my eggs all the time.

Grindr hookup with Goofy?

Bernie always sounded like a crank going on about how the system was rigged, until the DNC and CNN proved he was right.  That was quite the reveal.

“My response is that, if we’ve learned anything from the 2016 election, it is that we can’t have a country where we don’t talk to those who disagree with our political views,” Brazile said. “There’s an audience on Fox News that doesn’t hear enough from Democrats. We have to engage that audience and show Americans of

Lol, your responses to Tomato make me lose it.

Certainly not in an anti-semetic way, but this is all about the Benjamins.

I thought she got her hair did?

In a written statement released today, the veteran Democratic strategist said she knew “my friends in the progressive movement” would criticize her for being on the conservative cable news network

Shut the fuck up TomatoFace.

And Jesus wept.

Driving to work in my Prius, I shoot for the best gas mileage each way. Driving to work in my Cobalt SS turbo, I go for shortest drive time. In both cases I usually end up stuck behind somebody doing 10 under the speed limit and it’s all 2 lane roads with no passing zones. So I use 3x as much gas in the Cobalt and it u