donald horn

Did he leave them money in his will that he doesn’t want disclosed (but wants a statue for)? This is just... odd?

It would be a shame if anything were to happen to your... Manolo Blahniks.

I had my daughter when I was relatively young (24) but I still looked like a teenager (not a humble brag). I would see people watching me struggle with a stroller, diaper bag, and toddler on the bus, train, up stairs, at crosswalks without ramps, etc...and no one would help. I always felt that people were enjoying

The subject of elevators in New York City subway stations has been a sore one for years with disability advocates; the city has 472 subway stations and only about one-quarter of them are accessible for people who can’t use stairs or escalators.

I have been a nanny in NYC for 22 years. I have been a mom in nyc for 7. I can count on my hands the number of times people offered to help me carry the stroller up or down the stairs. 9 out of the 10 were young black men. I have lost count of the number of people who have yelled at me to hurry up or move my fat ass.

One of the myriad problems with installing elevators/escalators is humans are shit and will break them for fun.

No no, Mom and baby will only be safe if we build The Wall. Not elevators, not trains, not birth control, not health insurance for mom and baby. ONLY The Wall will save us. Save up your pennies, and if you need a reminder while in NY just gaze up at that big beautiful tower in the sky.

In the UK I’ve found it hard enough trying to get up/down train station steps with just a backpack, wouldn’t even want to think what it’d be like juggling a pram.

Plus, if it’s like every other transit system I’ve used, the elevators double as bathrooms, which is very convenient.

In theory, if there was decent bus service, that could help for shorter trips. Alas.

A (maybe) true Joe Paterno story:

More importantly, let ye who has never dated anyone who helped your career cast the first 2 a.m. “Hey you up?” text.

To answer your real question, it probably had to do with a few things:

Ohhhhhhh, now you’ve got something to say?

her failure to properly site Tribe Called Quest lyric

My obligatory reply on any Hicks-related story: don’t forget that her father (her actual father, not the surrogate that is 45) spent much of his career trying to tell everybody that CTE was no big deal.

First they came for MSNBC and I did nothing because the libs deserved it.

a student of the Trump aesthetic

All of that is assuming they wouldn’t have been shot instantly, which we know they would have been. They are still black and the secret service are still cops. 

So this is a tour of crappy parts of New York, soundtracked by an English band? What is this?