donald horn

Re: Foam Latte

Respondents were interviewed only in English. No one who used any other language was counted or asked.

allowing Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to donkey punch him in the face

There is no courtesy when there are "likes" involved

The only surprising thing about this is that the accounts are run by Claires not Chads.

No. The Root’s best trolls are either out of context crime stat spammers or Jews pretending not to be White. Everything else gets ignored. Learn from Whiggly and David Rochlin. They know how this works. 

Son, you’ve had maybe, six responses, to your last 100 posts. You suck at this.

when I was in high school, it was a common story that the girls who “got into trouble” were sent to the county’s central Catholic School for a year or two to “avoid any scandals”. Gods, I worry about that now.


That’s why they’re waiting for the shutdown to be over.

I saw one of those Sinclair opinion pieces last night going on and on about the poor boys and the press owes them all an apology.

Yeah, Velouria was great. I’m not even going to bother checking any of this out, I heard part of Africa a while ago and that was bad enough.

“wE’rE a cAtHoLiC sKeWl, dAt’s nOt tOlErAtEd !1!

Trump doesn’t remember who works for him; he certainly doesn’t know anything beyond that one side wore his Chinese made caps.

I stop (slightly) short of advocating, at this point.  You bring up something that warrants consideration, though.  People are getting desperate.  How long until one of those desperate souls snaps and makes a very rash decision?  The point where there is bloodshed honestly doesn’t feel that far off.

he forgets that he answers to the US voting population.

Turtlehead has been hiding behind the media’s bothsides-ism BS for so long that he forgets that he answers to the US voting population.

This one hurt, I really thought she was better.

If you need to use the qualifier “not because it has anything to do with slavery” to justify your “celebration,” maybe you should rethink the entire damn thing.

So when my personal twilight zone episode occurs, I'll have all the time in the world and break the last coffee mug?