donald horn

“Would I get mad if someone walked down the street with a shirt with a normal looking black person on it that said “Africans”

I think this might be my youngest brother, aka the biggest contrarian to ever contrary. I know he voted. I know he probably didn’t vote for Hillary. I have a sinking feeling he voted for Trump as a protest vote.

Note that Cuba pre-revolution was so segregated, and the country so wholly subjugated, that their dictator Fulgencio Batista couldn’t get into the fancy clubs because he wasn’t white

For some reason on chocolate chip cookie Friday I’m feeling generous and want to ungray folks. The answer to your question about a non-Black (or even most Black people) saying the N-word or ANY variation of it is always NO.

I’m still unclear if black people are a monolith or not.

There’s the #9 of the Wannabe Revolutionist. Probably did not vote for him, definitely don’t like him, but are grateful he’s in office because of all of the racist shit kicked up and out in the open (never mind the racist shit we’ve been kicking up and out in the open for years prior). Expects this to be the jumping

Teaching people (especially blacks) how to think, is one of my primary missions in life.

9. Just smart enough to know they’re not smart and angry about it.

In the 2016 election, Donald Trump earned more black votes (8 percent, according to the Roper Center) than Mitt Romney in 2012 (6 percent) or John McCain in 2008 (4 percent). While Barack Obama’s blackness or the Russians may have had something to do with that, in 2016, twice as many black people voted for Donald

Why is she still on the show anyway? Her co-hosts seem to hate her and her views, the public doesn’t like her so she isn’t bringing in viewers or anything is she?

Being waken up by the cops is scary as hell. You either have done something wrong, been accused of it, or someone died. 

I stopped shopping at home depot when I learned the owner is a huge drumpf supporter.

If you are born into a wealthy family or have millions to start with, it’s really hard *not* to make tons of money. She seems to have beat the curve, but in the end, if she’d been born into an average family with a 50K a year household income, she would not be where she is today. If Donald Trump had just put the money

she was born on 3rd base, with the bases loaded and the pitcher just hit the batter to bring her home

We sometimes for days didn’t even have food for the week. 4 out 7 days, we didn’t eat or had enough to eat and had to share pieces with each other and ration it out.

OMG! We grew up with a dirt floor and no phone until I was practically in middle school. My parents went to night school and slowly moved into higher paying jobs. What an asshole!


Half the time it’s stuff that’s straight up stolen; the other half it’s probably stolen.

Who the fuck are these assclowns saying “hire opposing views”? Yeah, the Root really needs to hire a Nazi. A fucking guest columnist blowing his bubble pipe in his mother’s basement asking if Genocide is *really* that bad? Or the Splinter needs a weekly from a Venture Capitalist talking about how the best part of his

Plus, I think we’ve all seen videos that re-surface every three or four months that someone we know will think was impressive and worthy of another share. Topical, well-researched deep-dive articles with a date under the headline look more dated than a video of a bear getting hit in the nuts.