donald horn

Even though gun massacres happen so often, apparently ammosexuals can’t grasp the fact that there are no “sanctuaries” from gunz in ‘murica.

This is the trend that we can look forward to: whatever phrase/catch word that liberals pick up on...whether it be “alt-right” or “sanctuary city”, etc, they are going to throw right back in our faces. This is why we need to stop politicizing words. Everything doesn’t need to be a slogan.

The problem is they’ve been practicing at politicizing language a lot longer than we have. Ever heard of Welfare Queens or the Death Tax?

I’m sure that you could very easily create a Fleshlight that could be attached to an AR via the Picatinny rail. Just for yucks I decided to do a quick Google search. The internet has already beaten me to it (or at least something very similar). Damn you internet.

I wish someone would invent a gun you could fuck so these guys would just disappear into their dark little homes forever.

It never ceases to amaze me how little alleged “constitutional conservatives” understand how the Constitution actually works.

To be fair, I’m not sure most US evangelicals understand the concept of Christianity, let alone getting the part of “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these, my brothers and sisters, you did it to me.”

hard to know if this would be a good and timely show or a meteoric hellfire of mixed intentions without knowing who would be in the writing room.

I think we have to assume at this point that Giuliani is trying get ahead of all the dirty laundry the FBI recovered from Cohen’s files because they’ve decided that it’s all coming out at some point.

I think the “strategy” is to kick up so much sediment in the water that, when the actual charges come out, the “average American” will either be confused or bored. Essentially, they want to normalize the chaos. Then the GOP will feel no pressure to impeach.

Perhaps concentrate on things that aren’t dangerous fairy tales if you want to be/raise better people in general.

Can we not call it a box?

No. Democrats with the help 9f Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski saved the Affordable Care Act by consistently voting against it’s repeal. McCain rode in on their coat tails at the last minute to lend a hand. He does not get the credit for saving anything.

straight fire

Not fundamentally bad? Does the Keating 5 ring a bell?

Which he only did *because* he knew he was dying. If that wasn’t the case he would have voted very differently.

He campaigned for trump in 2016. His daughter stumps for him every day on the view. He’s a coward, a traitor and he deserves to leave this world knowing it.

Considering that he essentially never follows through with his statements, where should Trump expect the invitation sent to?

I largely agree with you, but Stone Cold John McCain did wreck McConell’s shit on Obamacare.

I’m an Irish-American from Boston and you know what, after Cinco de Mayo, I think St. Patrick’s Day is the next pseudo-racist, offensive “holiday”, which is really just an excuse for drunken assfuckery in the guise of ethnic caricatures, that we need to start taking the piss out of. I’d say “Fight me” but if I said it